Packing Away Your Christmas Decorations? Use These Tips

Packing away your Christmas decorations? Putting St. Nick back into his place until next year? Well, if so, do it right. Store away your Christmas items in a manner that will preserve them until you need to use them again. Here are a few helpful hints. Just:

Blow the dust off silk flowers. With a blow dryer set on cool, blow the dust off your silk flower. The cool air will help stiffen them up, so they keep their form while in storage. Place them into a long box, so you can lay them flat.

Zip up your Christmas dishes. After you wash your clean Christmas dishes, place them in Ziploc bags. They’ll stay dust-free all year long and prevent you from having to wash them again next year. All you have to do is unzip the bag and place them on the table.

Slip your artificial wreaths into pillowcases. Pillowcases are flexible and can encase any form. Just be sure to wrap your wreaths in tissue paper first. Then, stack them in a closet.

Stack gift tags in empty baby wipe boxes. These boxes are compact enough to hold square or even circular paper well. They also are handy when you are ready to wrap and tag your gifts because they can be set easily on a table.

Wrap garland around an empty paper tube. Tape a few tubes together. Then, wind the garland around it like the stripe on a candy cane.

Toss ribbons into old shoe boxes. Be sure to tape the ones still on rollers down. For cut ribbon with no roller, fold it across and down. Then, tape around the middle.

Launder Christmas tablecloths and napkins. Make sure they are clean prior to putting them away. Stains that oxidize will ruin them forever.

Place your knick-knacks into empty egg cartons. They are perfect for holding miniature Christmas ornaments and figurines. Also, you can stack them up on a shelf or in a box for safekeeping.

Use fabric softener sheets to wrap medium figurines. The chemicals in these sheets will preserve wood and other kinds of material. The tissue in the fabric softener sheets will keep them from chipping.

Donate extra Christmas decorations to a local charity. They will go to good use and make someone else’s holiday merry the following year. Your donation will also bring good karma into your life.

If you use these ideas, you will successfully pack away your Christmas items this year. Then, next year, when you are ready to use them again, they’ll be in perfect condition.

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