Packing Certain Items for Your Trip with Baby Can Make Your Travels Safer

Large Changing Pads
If your child is still in diapers, it is a great idea to pack extra over-sized changing pads in your diaper bag or suitcase. These serve a great purpose when it comes time for changing. As any parent who has ever traveled with a baby can attest to, there can be many unexpected stops along the way and you may not always have the opportunity to change your baby in a very sterile place. If you pack the large changing pads, you can feel confident that your child is receiving a good amount of protection against the germs that lurk in roadside rest station bathrooms.
Plastic Bags
Plastic bags will definitely come in handy if you are forced to change a diaper in the car or in any other situation where you will not be able to immediately dispose of it. You can just pack some of your old plastic grocery store bags in your baby’s diaper bag. These plastic bags also make excellent trash bags for the car as you are traveling. Simply toss in any garbage that you may have and dispose of it when a trash can becomes available to you.
Extra Blankets
Extra blankets will keep your child comfortable in the car, especially if the outside temperature between your starting point and your destination fluctuates. This may occur if the outside temperature grows colder and you need to administer more warmth to your child. The same may occur if the outside temperature is quite warm and the adults in the car need to turn the air conditioner to a higher output to be comfortable. You will simply be able to add the extra blanket to your baby in order to keep him or her warm no matter what.
Corner Covers
Corner covers are excellent for protecting your baby against the sharp edges found on coffee tables and end tables. Simply toss a few extra ones in your overnight bag. You can easily snap these onto the coffee table or end tables in the hotel room for added security for your child.
Electrical Outlet Plugs
Electrical outlet plugs are an absolute must if you are traveling. Your child may be used to the wonderful childproofing that you have provided in your own home, however when baby is in a new place, his or her curiosity will grow. Baby may attempt to do things in a strange and unfamiliar environment that he or she would not likely try in the comfort and security of his or her own home. Be certain to toss several extra outlet plugs in your suitcase. They are very small and take up minimal space, but the benefits of having them available for use in a strange place are endless.
You more than likely have secured your cabinets and cupboards at home with child safety latches. Now, of course you will not be able to attach child safety latches to the cabinets in a hotel room because majority of them are either adhesive or require screws. A quick and simple solution to this problem would be to carry a few extra trash ties or even a few plastic zip ties. If your child cannot undo trash ties, then you may be able to secure cabinets by twisting them around the handles. If your child knows how to get those trash ties undone, you can use the plastic zip ties to do the job. The only downside to this option is the fact that you will have to cut the zip ties off before you check out of the hotel room. For that, you can carry a small pair of scissors or use a pair of nail clippers to get the job done.
Traveling with your child should always be a joyful experience. By planning appropriately, you can eliminate the number of risks and problems that you could experience while you are on the road. Always remember that though safety products are wonderful and minimize accidents, they were never meant to substitute for the watchful and caring eye of a parent!