Paid Online Survey Sites Are Scams

They sound too good to be true. Make up to $100 per hour filling out online surveys for legitimate companies. Just send you email address and the leads are sent to your email and you make as much money as you want. If the survey sounds like a scam or doesn’t interest you, don’t fill it out. What could be easier?
What they don’t tell you is that after you spend 20 minutes of your life answering inane questions, you find out that in order to get the cash or gift card promised, you have to sign up for Columbia House or a similar program and complete their terms of agreement before you receive your money.
Oh, well, you say. It’s only 20 minutes of your life that has been wasted. At least signing up for the site was free. Don’t submit the survey and the only harm done is that you feel a bit dumb for forgetting dad’s maxim: you can’t get something for nothing. Soon it will all be in the past.
Wrong! Hopefull you have a good spam filter on your account. Your email address has already been sold. You will now be receiving massive amounts of e-mails from companies who are looking for potential suckers. Not only will you be offered not-so- money, you will also be offered listings singles in the area and free laptops with several strings attached. You will remember that you have been suckered every time you check your e-mail and delete messages whose subjects say that you can win a free year’s worth of ice cream, or motor oil, or dryer sheets.
Don’t ask me how I know…