Paid in Full: Materialistic Items or Simplicity?

Consider the world we live in. Are we still the same people we were generations ago? Or have we turned from a simplier life for a wasteful, materialistic one? Times are changing and some have refused to change with it.

Are you willing to keep up with the Jones’ to buy more expensive items? Take for instance a Rolex vs. a Timex. Both are watche. Both tell time, but one comes with a hefty price tag. You can purchase a Rolex anywhere from $2,000.00 and up or you can save and buy a Timex for $30.00 and up. The purpose of a watch is to tell time, not to impress friends, family or co-workers. Why would a middle class citizen be willing to go into debt for a materialistic item?

We forget that each item has a purpose. Are you buying it for a materialistic value or for a useful purpose? Does a name make a difference?

We have become a wasteful, materialistic nation. We are spending more than we make. For what? For useless name-brand items that sit in our closets, in our garages, in our offices, and all through-out the home. What if you took that money and put it into a high interest savings account? Could you retire early? Of course you could.

Is it a neccessity? I believe this is a decision that each individual will have to make. I am choosing the savings account and early retirement over the high price of a materialistic, named-brand item. I prefer to live the simple life and enjoy what I have.

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