Paint – Cheap and Easy Way to Decorate

Even with an endless array of products paint is still one of he cheapest options when it comes to home improvement and the one product that will make the biggest impact.
Changing the color or shade of paint in a room can completely change the feel and atmosphere in that area. You can go from cold and bleak to warm and cozy, and from dark and drab to bright and cheering. Paint is the product that will pull your entire design together and what could be easier or less expensive then painting?
Painting is pretty basic and just about anyone can do it. There are a few tips to make sure the process goes smoothly. First of all make sure you have all the supplies you will need. Some of these will include a drop cloth, paint rollers and brushes, painters tape a screw driver, a extender for your rollers and a ladder and a paint edger.
The most important thing you can do when painting is “take your time” don’t try to paint around electrical plugs take the time to remove the covers you will be glad you did when you see the finished product. Use your painters tape and your edger you can never be too careful and if you start getting tired take a break and go back to your project later when you feel more up to it.
At just about any retail location you can find paint from your local hardware store to a major home improvement chain to a grocery/superstore all these place will have a section of ‘oops! paints’ that have been mixed and either not purchased or the buyer changed there mind about the color, It is worth taking at look at the ‘oops! paints’ you might find just the color you were looking for and these paints are usually marked up to 75% off.
The hardest part of painting a room is deciding on the color and shade you want. A great tip to make a hard decision a little easier is to narrow your choices down to two or three options and ask for a sample of those particular colors. Then paint a piece of cardboard or poster board with your paint. You can then hang your poster board on the wall and see how it looks. Leave each color on the the wall a day or so, see how each color looks throughout the day, and then make your decision.
Painting is a easy and inexpensive way to update any room, and “hey, if you don’t like it you can always paint again”!