Painting Ideas for Kids Rooms

So you say you can’t paint. You cannot afford to hire a painter either. Don’t worry. Using these easy painting ideas for your kids’ rooms, you can easily dress up the room with just a few paint strokes.

Painting ideas for kids’ rooms #1: Giant Flowers

Just a few super sized flowers will make your little girl’s room pop! You do not need to be a Picasso to paint them either. Use a dinner plate to draw a circle on the wall, add the petals. If you are not sure about how to draw the petals, use long thin containers to guide you like modular mates, or an olive dish to make a daisy. You can also use a bread plate to help you make simple rounded petals. It is really not that hard. After you have the giant flower drawn on the wall, just free-hand a long curvy stem and a couple of leaves.

You can paint one large flower above the bed, and put a mirror or cork board in the center of the flower, painting just the petals, leaves and stem, or you can paint a series of these giant flowers around the room. Be creative! I recently saw a room with two flowers, one along each post of the headboard with the wall in between the two giant flowers painted a different color. If you want smaller slightly more realistic flowers, use rubber stamps.

Painting ideas for kids’ rooms #2: Say it with words

All you need for this room idea is a decent handwriting or a custom stencil. Write saying on the walls to inspire your kids, make them feel special, or to celebrate their favorite activity. This kid’s room painting idea is great for kids of all ages, whether they are a boy or a girl. For a little girl named Mary, I once wrote the poem “Mary, Mary, quite contrary…” For a little boy, you could stencil “What are little boys made of…” For a teen girl, you can use individual words like “diva” or “sassy” or any other words that describe her. For an older boy you can use words like “Hot Rod”, or the names and numbers of his favorite athletes.

Painting ideas for kids’ rooms #3 A simple Sketch

You would be amazed at how just the impression of tree or outline of a sheep will dress up a room. Imaging a room painted in blue with a simple scene drawn on the wall in black paint. It could be as complex as a toile fabric design, or as simple as an abstract sketch. Anyone can do this simple idea with the help of an overhead projector. Just project the scene onto the wall, and transfer it to the wall with a pencil. Turn off the projector and using a �½- 2-inch paintbrush (depending on the amount of details you want), go over the lines with dark paint.

Painting ideas for kids’ rooms #4 Create an impression

Using this technique, you can paint a simple or a detailed mural without ever having to paint details. You can freehand a tree, sketch a series of dancers, or add entire globe to the wall, simply. Using the projector if you cannot sketch the image, transfer your design onto the wall, then fill the entire image in with paint two shades darker than the original wall paint. This is a very classy look and is great in a room of the house and even commercial establishments.

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