Painting Ideas for Kid’s Rooms: Ideas for when You Cannot Paint

Even if you do not have an artistic bone in your body, you can still do a creative paint treatment for your child’s room. Here are some ideas you can use:

Painting ideas for kids rooms 1:

Camouflage: What can be easier than an abstract design? Using any camouflage fabric as a guide, draw a few large shapes on newsprint paper. It does not have to be perfect, just relax and have fun with it.

1. Paint the wall your base color. It can be pale pink if you are doing a girls room, or a light khaki, or light grey if you are doing a boys room. (The design is more important than the color scheme; any set of three or four colors can be used).

2. After the base coat is painted, take your pre drawn shapes and transfer them to the wall using large sheets of carbon paper. Turn the shapes in different directions to make it look more random.

3. Pint the shapes randomly using your other coordinating paint colors

Painting ideas for kids rooms 2:

Stripes: Stripes are another design anyone can do in any color. You can do wide, random, or thin stripes. Use one of these two methods:

1. Free hand method: You can paint imperfect pin stripes free hand.

2. Measure out your stripes with a yard stick and make pencil lines

3. Go over those lines with a small paintbrush.

I have done this using navy blue paint on a light blue background, or hot pink on an ivory background with excellent results. Pinstripes look great when the second color is bold.

Tape method: This works best with wide stripes.
1. Measure the room and based on those measurements decide how wide your stripes will be. For example if a wall is 12 feet wide, you may want to make 1 foot wide stripes, or if the wall is 12 �½ foot wide, your strips should be 1 foot �½ inch.

2. Using tape paint, (not masking tape) creates the guide to paint your lines.

3. Paint in every other space.

I find that wide stripes work best when the colors are closely related, with one color one or two shades lighter than the next. I have had great results using this method all the stripes being the same color in a different gloss level. To do this, paint the entire room with flat paint, tape off the stripes and paint every other stripe in clear gloss paint.

Painting ideas for kids rooms 3:

Mondrian: Piet Mondrian, an important contributor to the De Stijl art movement and group, is best known for his non-representational paintings that he called compositions. They consist of rectangular forms of red, yellow, blue or black, separated by thick, black rectilinear lines. You can create a similar effect on your child’s walls.

1. Choose your colors: You can use the same bold colors that Mondrian did, or choose to use a pastel, muted, or monochromatic paint scheme. You will need a light background wall color, several colors for your art effect (I recommend three) and a darker coordinating color to outline the shapes.

2. Create: Using a level, draw random rectangles on the wall in different sizes and shapes. Some should overlap. Use painters tape to mask off the shapes

3. Paint: Paint the shapes using a small roller one shape at a time. It would be most expedient to paint one color at a time. I like to use disposable rollers to avoid too much clean up.

4. Finish: When the shapes are dry, mask off the outline of each rectangle, and paint with the darkest color.

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