Palliative Care Services – Specialized Heath Care for Families Dealing With Terminal Illness

Terminal illnesses are difficult on everyone involved, including the patient and his or her family and friends. Palliative Care Services are specialized healthcare services geared toward the patients and families dealing with terminal illness. The professional doctors, therapists and other professionals are trained to help their clients handle death, and they focus on compassionate care and the desire to make the quality of life better for a dying individual.

One of the most amazing things about palliative care services is that the focus is not limited to just the patient. The professionals who work in this industry also provide support and guidance for the family members and friends of those who are dying, which continues for several weeks after the patient passes away. They will be guided through the processes of preparing for the funeral, handling powers of attorney, sending notices to family members and dealing with grief.

Palliative care, which is also sometimes called comfort care, takes the perspective that it is not only the dying who suffer, but also the living. They wish to make sure that all patients are given the utmost in quality care and that they understand their treatment options and can get whatever they need to be comfortable.

Often, grief begins as soon as the patient enters into palliative care, which is why the staff will want to assist the family with anything they need, as well. Death can sometimes be a long, painful process, and palliative care specialists can serve as guides and mentors.

Palliative care can be held in a hospice, in a hospital, or even at home. Families can pick and choose the services they will require, and can custom-tailor their services to meet their needs. Some of the palliative care services include:

– Nursing
– Consulting
– Communication Between Patient and Doctor
– Day Care for Children
– Nutrition Advice
– Hospital Equipment Loans (such as bedding and other medical equipment for the home)
– Physiotherapy
– Individual & Group Therapy
– Social Services
– Spiritual Guidance & Support
– Pastoral Care & Ministry
– Bereavement Support
**Some palliative care centers even provide attorneys for assistance with legal matters concerning the patient’s estate and other affairs.

Palliative care has been helpful in situations of all kinds, from the elderly to children. Parents whose children have been diagnosed with cancer or other terminal illnesses find it especially helpful because they can find a package of total care with palliative care. You can visit the Center to Advance Palliative Care or the National Hospice and Paliative Care Organization for more information on palliative care services near you.

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