Paper Organizing Ideas

You can begin by making separate bins and labeling them. If you don’t have any place to put the bins, you can try hanging up boxes on the walls near the front door or near your desk. They are plenty of little hanging storage bins that you can purchase from your local Target or Wal-Mart store. The boxes can be decorative to ad to the dÃ?©cor of the home. Label each box to make it easier to put the item away. When you bring the mail into the house you can place the bills into the appropriate storage bin and, flyers in another.
I often find it to be a good idea to keep a shredder nearby and a bulletin board. On the bulletin board you can easily put up bills that need to be paid, and discard any junk mail in the shredder. Keeping the bills on the bulletin board, will help you to remember what needs to be paid. When an item has been paid you can easily put it in your files. If you take care of items as they enter the house you will have less problems with paper clutter.
If you have children, you will find even more paper cluttering up. It is a good idea to have a file set up with each child’s name on it. This is where you can place any items your child may bring home. You can use the bulletin board to hang up letters and notices which will have to be returned, or which show an upcoming event. Hanging it on the board will keep it in your mind. When the event has passed you can easily shred it up and get rid of it. Remember organizing your paper clutter does not have to be difficult. Just stick to your system on a daily basis and you will never see a pile of cluttered papers again.