Parents Beware of NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association

NAMBLA was formed in 1978. They say they condemn sexual abuse and all forms of coercion. However members of NAMBLA have been charged with murder and rape, just to name a couple. On an episode of America’s Most Wanted, John Walsh stated “That he and the FBI has tried for years to stop NAMBLA, and that all members of NAMBLA are sexually abusing young boys.”
In February of 2005 seven members of the NAMBLA were arrested in California and charged with allegedly planning to go to Mexico and have sex with boys. Two of the men that were arrested were teachers. They were going to take a boat to Ensenada, where they were told boys would be awaiting them at a Bed & Breakfast. The men requested that the boys be as young as eight years old. Fox News reported this story in February of 2005.
In 1993 a teacher at Bronx High School of Science was fired after his membership with NAMBLA was made public.
In the late part of 1997 a ten year old boy, Jeffery Curly, was murdered by two NAMBLA members. These two guys tortured, murdered, and mutilated this small child. In 2000, the parents of Jeffery Curly, Robert and Barbara Curley, sued NAMBLA. The American Civil Liberties Union stepped in to defend NAMBLA as a free speech matter and won a dismissal based on the fact that NAMBLA is organized as an association, not a corporation. Robert and Barbara Curley continued the suit as a wrongful death action against individual NAMBLA members, some of whom were active in the group’s leadership. As of April 2005 the wrongful death cases were still being considered by a Massachusetts federal court, with the American Civil Liberties Union assisting the defendants on the grounds that the suit violated their First Amendment rights to free speech. The two men who killed ten year old Jeffery Curly is now serving a life sentence.
These people must be stopped. You never know where these men will pop up or who they are. Some members of NAMBLA are teachers, lawyers, judges, Veteran Administration clerk, and priest. Parents talk to your children and tell them how important it is to not talk to strangers. This group plans their moves carefully. In an article I read, this man signed up for the membership package to get insight on them in hopes of bringing them down. He stated that in his membership package he received drawings of young nude boys and stories of men abusing boys. They also tell you how to molest a boy and cover your tracks. This is just disgusting and makes me feel sick to my stomach. They also used our tax dollars to support their group.