Parents: Find Free or Cheap Tutoring Solutions for Students

In past years, the only way for parents or students to get help with problem areas in school was to hire a private tutor. However, times have changed, and there is now a plethora of resources available for the struggling student.
Parents of public school children are often eligible for free after-school tutoring for their children. In many cases, schools will offer more than one private tutoring program right on your student’s school campus for students in need. Some parents aren’t aware of these programs until it is too late and their child is one or two grade levels behind, so ask your child’s teacher about what is available in your public school system.
While many students will be accepted into these programs because they come from a low-income family, there are options for those who are just above or exceed the limitations for financial help. One great way to get some extra help for your child is to seek out local college students to help your child after school. Whether you put up flyers at your nearest community college or post an ad on websites like, chances are you will be able to find someone great.
Hiring a college student is a much cheaper option than using a costly private tutoring service. Instead of paying their $25-$50 an hour range, you can decide how much to pay your private tutor. However, like with babysitters or other caregivers of your children, request references and know whom you are inviting in your home, and make sure that your new tutor is really comprehensive about the subject that you are hiring them for. It’s an extra bonus if you can find a student that will help in two or more areas as well! Furthermore, unlike tutoring services, you won’t need to sign a contract and can make a flexible schedule that lasts as long as you want it to.
College students are also often plagued with problems when it comes to their education, but many have a hard time asking for help. Furthermore, they have to take on the brunt of the high costs of college already, and may not be able to afford a tutor after paying for books and tuition.
What many college students don’t realize is that there may be a free tutoring service already on campus for them to use. Many colleges in the United States have a tutoring center where students can get help absolutely free from fellow college students. Like with public schools, ask around to see if your college offers free help in a subject that you or your student may be struggling in.
The bottom line is that you don’t have to pay a fortune to get good decent tutoring help for you or your child. It may be right in front of your face as a free program or even with the help of a family friend. Ask around before you pay for overpriced tutoring help or sign up for costly on-line tutoring services.