Parent’s Guide to Changing Table Safety

Changing tables can be one of the most wonderful tools you may have when you bring your new baby home from the hospital. Changing tables make it possible to conveniently change your baby’s diapers and clothing without straining your back. Changing tables have grown from mere changing platforms, and have evolved into beautiful and elaborate piece of furniture. Some have baskets and mesh areas suitable for storage. Others have built in drawers and can be used as dressers long after your child has outgrown the changing table portion.

However, until those days come, you will be using the changing table surfaces. There are many safety precautions that you must take to ensure that your child remains unharmed when you are using your changing table. The first and most important rule for changing table safety, is to never leave your child unattended for any reason.

Always secure your child with the child safety straps when you lie him or her on the changing table surface. You should hear an audible “click” when you connect the harness clips. Please remember that though many changing tables comes standard with child safety straps and harnesses, you should never depend on them alone. Children only need a single moment of freedom from you watchful eye to wiggle and squirm their way out of child safety straps. A nasty fall from a changing table would be enough to seriously harm your little one. If your changing table did not come with safety straps, it is highly recommended that you purchase them separately.

Be sure that you check the bolts and screws on your changing table from time to time to make sure that they are still tight and secure. Your changing table should not wobble. If you find that the changing table moves with little resistance, tighten all screws and bolts immediately. Failure to do so could result in your changing table collapsing, potentially harming you or your baby.

On that note, be certain that you have read your user’s manual and read the weight specification set by the manufacturer. Once your child has met the maximum weight requirement, do not use the changing table anymore. Failure to adhere to manufacturer’s safety instructions could result in unwanted accidents.

When changing your baby, ensure that you have properly prepared. Before placing baby on the changing table, make sure you have already gathered the all the materials that you need. Place all materials where you can easily reach them without moving away from your baby. Keep one hand on your baby at all times during the changing process.

Another good rule of thumb is to keep all objects out of reach of your baby. Baby powder, oil and other items can be extremely harmful to your child if ingested. If baby has an opportunity to get his hands on something he is not supposed to, he could easily ingest it or even get it in his eyes. Be certain that other objects such as small toys or sharp objects are also out of babies reach. Many babies enjoy playing with a small toy or watching a hanging mobile while they are being changed. If you have a mobile, ensure that it is safely and properly installed and has no risk of falling and hurting your child. Remove the mobile as soon as your baby is old enough to sit up. If he can reach it, he can probably pull it down on his head!

Changing tables today are built with specific safety requirements today. If you are purchasing a changing table from an individual, or if your changing table is older, be certain to consult with the Juvenile Products Manufacturer’s Association, Inc (JPMA). They have a complete list of changing tables which meet their safety regulations.

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