Parent’s Guide to Stroller Safety

Before you start using your new stroller or travel system, it is important to understand all there is to know about it. Before you ever even place your baby in the stroller, be sure to retrieve the manufacturer’s owner’s manual or user’s manual and read it over. Keeping your baby safe is a priority, and with a little planning, you can be certain your child will be safe in his or her new stroller.

One thing to remember is that you should never leave your child unattended in a stroller. Never underestimate your child’s ability to escape child safety harnesses and straps. Strollers have been known to roll away even when parents thought wheel safety locks were secure, and some strollers have even been toppled when a parent was not looking. Always remember to keep an eye on your child at all times.

Before placing your child in his or her stroller, be certain that the stroller is fully unfolded and that all safety gears and legs have been fully extended and locked. This will prevent the stroller from buckling and folding from the weight of your baby when you place him or her in the stroller. Place all wheel locks in the locked position before placing your child in the stroller, this will prevent the stroller from backing away from you when you are placing your child inside.

When you place your child in the stroller, always use the child safety harnesses or straps. They were designed to secure your child and to prevent your child from falling out of the stroller seat. Some of the best harness systems are the five point harness systems, check with your salesman to see which models are available with it. Make certain that the safety clips and latches on the harness system has been snapped securely. There should be an audible click when you correctly join the clips together. Be certain that the straps of the harness system are fitted correctly for your child. Most manuals will tell you that you should not be able to place more than two finger widths between the straps and your child’s body. Straps should also be no tighter or looser than this. Your child should never be allowed to sit on his or her knees in a stroller or stand. A nasty fall can harm your child very quickly.

If you have a tray attachment on the front of your stroller for snacks or toys, be certain to never leave any type of hot liquid or object on it. Avoid placing any sharp objects or toys on the tray for your child. A good rule of thumb is to never place any item or object on the tray that was not meant to be placed there. Also always keep the stroller parked away from any item that your child could harm himself with. If your baby can reach it, he will! Keep this in mind as you navigate the aisles of the supermarket or any other store.

Be aware of the seat position of your child as well. If your baby is under six months of age, you will want to use the flat reclining position. Once your baby can sit up easily, you may recline the seat a bit so baby can see the world around him. Improper seat positioning can ultimately harm your child, so be certain to follow your owner’s instructions.

If you are using a travel system stroller, be certain that your child’s car seat is securely snapped onto the stroller frame when you sit the car seat on top. Failure to do so can result in the car seat detaching and falling off of the stroller, injuring your baby. There should be an audible click when the latches buckle together. You can also gently wiggle the car seat to ensure that you have a good secure contact.

Strollers are a great way to get baby mobile and enjoy the sights and sounds of the world around you. When used with the utmost safety and caution, strollers can be a very safe mode of transportation for your little one.

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