Parents, Where Does the Time Go?

I realize I have quite a bit of time left before she grows up and leaves the nest to make a life of her own…but it just passes so quickly! I was, let me emphasize, WAS such a confident parent. I was not intimidated by late nights, breast feeding, changing diapers, or the lifestyle changes that came with having a baby. However, I must admit, I am scared to death of the years to come! What do you do with a hormonal teenage girl? How do you deal with rebellion and deviance? I am now seeing a glimpse of what I am in store for in the years to come, and it scares me to death!
Has she heeded the lessons, values and morals I have tried my hardest to instill in her? If she strays from the path of the lessons taught, will she find her way back? Will she be strong, independent and have the ability to say no to all of the peer pressures she is bound to encounter?
My biggest question is, if something were to happen to me today, or down the road….will she know how much I love her? Will she really understand that I would be willing to give my life for her?
Yes, one day she will know and she will understand. It will not be today, and no, it will not be tomorrow…but one day she will know…it could quite possibly be the day she holds her little miracle in her arms, and when he/she looks up at her with adoration and unconditional love…she will know the truth…the love only a mother knows…the love for her child.