Part-time Opportunities for College Students

Market Research Companies are always looking to add consumers, just like you, to their database. Sign up with as many market research companies as you can to increase your chance of attending focus groups or “one on one” survey’s. Groups usually last anywhere from Ã?½ hour to 2 hours and can range in pay anywhere from $50-200 cash! A great place to start is They offer advice on how to become a participant and links to companies you can sign up with in your area. is also a good place to find immediate groups to participate in. They offer listings for market research groups on a regular basis under the “part-time” or “etc” tabs. Even if you don’t qualify for what they’re looking for right away, forward your information and sign up with them anyway. It works!
Personal Services like pet-sitting, babysitting and personal assistance are great because the hours are usually flexible and people looking to hire students are very understanding about your hectic schedule. Personal service gigs tend to be good paying part-time jobs and many can be found by logging on to and searching in your area. Log onto,, to search pet-sitting services in your area and start calling!
Work in Your Field of Study
Stop by the career center at your school or log onto to your schools career center to search hundreds of temporary jobs, part-time jobs or regular gigs in your field of study. Many employers will hire you simply because you’re a student and you are majoring in a related field. You won’t have to go through five different interviews and wait weeks or sometimes months, to start the part-time position. Some companies offer employment on a semester to semester basis, so plan on spending an hour or so searching through the ads to find a match. It’s well worth it!
Stop by the career center at your school or log onto to your schools career center to search hundreds of temporary jobs, part-time jobs or regular gigs in your field of study. Many employers will hire you simply because you’re a student and you are majoring in a related field. You won’t have to go through five different interviews and wait weeks or sometimes months, to start the part-time position. Some companies offer employment on a semester to semester basis, so plan on spending an hour or so searching through the ads to find a match. It’s well worth it!
Stop by the career center at your school or log onto to your schools career center to search hundreds of temporary jobs, part-time jobs or regular gigs in your field of study. Many employers will hire you simply because you’re a student and you are majoring in a related field. You won’t have to go through five different interviews and wait weeks or sometimes months, to start the part-time position. Some companies offer employment on a semester to semester basis, so plan on spending an hour or so searching through the ads to find a match. It’s well worth it!
Work Study
You’re a shoe-in for this one! The government has already set aside funding for undergrad and graduate student salaries for a variety of different full-time and part-time jobs. Be sure to check the “interested in work study” box on your FAFSA. There are a few part-time jobs you may be able to do on-campus even if you’re not in the work study program, but they are limited.
College Kids Just Want to Have Fun..
If you’re looking for something that’s fun and won’t take too much energy away from your studies, try a part-time job with the park district, the zoo, on a film set, extra work or audience member (do a Google for a list of casting agencies).
T is for Temp!
Many temp agencies (upon request) will send you to various companies to help out with mass mailings and or other marketing projects-they are usually lots of fun and easy too! Just search the web (Google, Switchboard, etc) for temp agencies in your area and sign up with at least 3-5 agencies. It increases your chances of getting called on a regular basis for work. The great thing about temping is that you have the option to accept or decline an assignment and you can work as much or as little as you need to. Talk about flexibility!
Promotional Work
Whether you’re pushing Mountain Dew, Nestea or the latest Nokia cell phone, promotional work can net some serious cash for working a few days each month. The work is usually fun and exciting and you’ll end up working on some very interesting and unique promotions and events. Check out Encore Nationwide at: for opportunities in your area. They list opportunities for:
Whether you’re pushing Mountain Dew, Nestea or the latest Nokia cell phone, promotional work can net some serious cash for working a few days each month. The work is usually fun and exciting and you’ll end up working on some very interesting and unique promotions and events. Check out Encore Nationwide at: for opportunities in your area. They list opportunities for:
Whether you’re pushing Mountain Dew, Nestea or the latest Nokia cell phone, promotional work can net some serious cash for working a few days each month. The work is usually fun and exciting and you’ll end up working on some very interesting and unique promotions and events. Check out Encore Nationwide at: for opportunities in your area. They list opportunities for:
Promotional Samplers
Product Demonstrators
Costume Characters
Tradeshow Models
Event Staff
and more!
Once you sign with Encore, they will add you to their database and contact you whenever there is an opportunity in your area. Get ready, get set, go part-timing!