Participating in Pageants: It’s No Different Than Competing in Sports

Ever since my daughter decided to compete in pageants, I have become aware of the fact that many people we know do not approve. I realize that the pageantry world, children’s pageants in particular, carries a certain stigma. However, when comparing competing in pageants to competing in sports, I have to ask, what the difference is.

Childrens pageansts vs softball
No one would ever turn up his or her nose at me if my daughter were interested in softball. Instead, they would ay that participation in softball could teach her sportsmanship and discipline. They would gladly purchase her fundraisers, and wish us luck. Children’s pageants also teach sportsmanship and discipline. After all, only one child can win the crown in each age division. The other girls have to be good sports to deal with the fact that they did not win. As for discipline, the preparation process of pageants, which can include talent lessons, staying in shape, and taking care of one’s body, definitely teaches discipline.

Childrens pageants vs basketball
Basketball teaches important skills like team playing, and defense skills. While pageantry is more of a solo sport, a girl in the pageant system would learn the importance of building a support system of people who she knows she can trust. She would learn how different people on the team can focus on one goal and succeed. Her team players would consist of her stylist, fitness trainer, tailor and others. It teaches her to build a successful team and to learn from others. She also learns to defend herself (or her goal) by being well prepared for competition.

Childrens pageants vs martial arts
Martial Arts teach mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence. Likewise, a pageant participant cannot be successful without these things, most importantly self-confidence. Without believing in yourself, you will surely fail to reach your goal.

Childrens pageants vs track
Track teaches children about staying fit, endurance, and the importance of proper nutrition. Just as a child will find that lack of proper diet and daily track practice will prevent them from improving, pageantry will also teach the same lesson. Contestants do not have to be thin (unbelievably), but they need to fit and do their best to maintain good health.

Childrens pageants vs football
Football teaches girls that no goal is beyond their reach. Girls who participate in football Have to work extra hard to get on the team and do their best at all times to stay on the team. Pageants also set high expectations for girls. Whether her goal is to get the crown, win the most talented contest, or to sell the most ads, pageants gives girls goals they must be fully committed to in order to achieve. On the other hand, there are those who believe that football is not for girls because they should be focusing on being young ladies and not trying to measure up to boys physically.

There’s the rub!
That brings us back around to pageants. Its is a catch 22 that while girls are expected to act like ladies, that they are not supposed to compete as ladies. It is my opinion that society let girls and parents choose their own goal and not try to measure up to someone else’s standards. All girls want to be the best at something, be it softball, basketball, martial arts, football, among other sports, or the best girl in the crowd.

For my child, her goal is to out-girl the others, in her own special way. That is just a short-term goal. Ultimately, her goal is to be a millionaire by the time she is 21.

FYI; Oprah Winfrey’s first public exposure was as a beauty pageant winner.

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