Party Games for Baby Showers

Everyone loves to play party games at a baby shower. Nowadays it is more of a tradition. But how do you decide what types of party games to play at your shower. This article will give plenty of suggestions and ideas on what types of games to play. One game that happens to be a very popular one is the guessing game. What you do is remove the labels from several jars of baby food, and place numbers on them. Make sure that you do one at a time and write down which jar contains what on a separate piece of paper. The objective of the game is for everyone to try and guess what food is in each jar. The winner gets a price. This is a really fun game and the mom to be gets to take home the baby food. Make sure you give her the list of what is in each jar, so she will know. Another very popular game is the measure the mommy’s belly game. What you do is get a piece of string and all of your guest’s have to try and guess how big they think the moms belly is. They just put there initials on the spot they think it is. You then use the same piece of string to measure the mom’s belly. Whoever gets the closest will win the prize.

Yet another great game that will give mom more stuff to take home for baby is the what does mom need in her diaper bag game. What you do is purchase a diaper bag, (try to find a nice one that comes with baby wipe box, and a changing pad), and then you fill the bag with all of the daily necessities that baby will need. For example what we did was put in at least ten diapers (this may seem like a lot but mom can use as many diapers as she can get), several toys for the baby, baby wipes, diaper cream, a pacifier, at least two bottles, three outfits, three pairs of socks, and three bibs. The objective of this game is for your guest’s to try and guess the items that are in the bag. Whoever guesses correctly gets the prize, and the mom to be gets the bag.

Once final pointer is the prizes that you will give out. Most people are not sure what to use as prizes. I have personally found that the best items are always gift cards. Just buy a few ten dollar gift cards and put them into envelopes and them give them out to the winners. In the past many people have given out spa sets or lotions as prizes. But some people may be allergic to certain things or may just not like the smell. So instead of wasting money on something that may end up in the garbage, investing in a gift card is a definite winner. You can also try one final game which is the diaper change race. What you do is get two baby dolls and have your guest compete to change the baby dolls diaper. the quickest wins. you can keep doing this until you have one or two final winners that have beaten everyone else and give them the prize. This is also a great game if you will be inviting dad’s to your baby shower. You will definitely be getting lots of laughs.

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