Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum Has Completely Changed the Texture of My Hair

Throughout the years I have tried an unbelievable amount of hair gels, shampoos, conditioners, and hair appliances. From the first time I used Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum I knew something was different about my hair. My hair felt stronger and was a lot less tangled than normal. After about three days of use my hair even felt different after I shampooed it. The Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum seemed to lock in moisture and repair some of the damage I have caused to my hair after years of coloring.
I bought Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum the first time in a desperate attempt to try something new with my hair. After seeing one to many makeover shows where the guest left with beautiful shiny straigt hair I went on a quest to find something that would do the same for my hair. We all think the grass is greener on the other side. People with curly hair always want to straighten it at some time or another. They may not want the change to be permanent, but they would love to try it! In the past I was always wary of trying expensive products recommended by the hairdresser. I always sort of pictured them forcing these pricey bottles of goo on me to raise their commission. If it wasn’t for my neighbor recommending Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum I truly might never have tried it.
Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum can be purchased in a small sample size bottle or in a larger 13-ounce bottle. In general the 13-ounce bottle will run you about $14.95, but will last many months. Your hair salon may even be willing to give you a small bottle as a free sample so that you can give it a try. Always ask your hairdresser. Let them know that you are interested in trying something new. I have been getting my hair colored with highlights and hair dye for years. Paul Mitchel Super Skinny Serum makes my hair color last longer. My hair also looks less frizzy. It is definitely a relief to go to the hair salon and not be lectured by my hairdresser. After years of her telling me my hair is overly dry and damaged she is now impressed by the change in my hair as well. If you are going to invest in expensive dye jobs from the salon you should definitely take the time to take care of it. You will save money in the long run and your hair will look a lot better.