Pen Pal: Bring New Friends Into Your Life

I love writing people that I really do not know. I like finding people that have the same interests as myself and lifestyle. I have been pen palling for about 3 years now and love it. I have the still talk to people that I met 3 years ago. I love the feeling that someone else far away cares enough to chat with me. Pen pals can make you feel like you have a social world outside your own. Finding a pen pal is easy you go online and look through AOL global, military, special interests, kids, or whatever you like to talk about. Whatever your interests are you will find a pen pal there.
If you rather look through websites than that is ok. Pen pals that won’t make great friendship are those in jail, want money or in other countries. These people won’t want a friendship. They either want money or they are not a good choose in friendship. You want a friendship that is worth it and that will be easy and not trouble. You can add your name to many websites to find a friend. Make sure you never add your home address or phone number. Sometimes I see this and think what are these people thinking. It is a scary world. At first, get to know the person for a long time before giving out an address or phone number. I have friends that I trust now and still won’t give any information out to them.
The net is just a screen and people lie all the time to get information. If you want a snail mail friend which is someone who writes to you postal mail than give out a P.O box address or a family member’s address. Someone you can trust with your mail. If you want to give out your address than you can. Remember that no one can be trusted in this world or on the internet. Some great places to find a pen pal are, Pen Pals, AOL pen pals and Pen Pals Plus. Tips on finding a pen pal that will you can connect to are:
*Finding one your own age. Do not look for someone 20 years older than you.
*Find one in your own interests. If you like animals, cooking, hobbies that mention that in your ad. This will help people in that same area as you are.
*Do not write something in your ad that is not true like your age, money, or personal information.
*If you want to email or postal mail your new friend send a picture with it. Pictures give people an idea of who you are. They say a lot like what you look like, your taste in clothing and how well you take the photos. I send pictures of my family and when I travel I take pictures so my friends can see.
Pen pals can be fun to talk to when you don’t have anyone to talk to. Sometimes we rather listen to our friends than our loved ones. I tell more to my pen pals than to my own mother. They are like my best friends. Reasons why people want pen pals are because they want to know about their state, country, social life, make new friendships, have same interests, and just love getting email or postal mail.