Perfect Parenting May Mean Letting Your Child Make Mistakes

Perfect parenting is where parents do everything they can to not have flaws and bumpy roads in their children’s lives. Some parents have routines and stick to them as much as they can. Children are children and they do have some bad days. Some parents make themselves sick over trying to be perfect. You should not get stressed out if your child does not clean up right away or does not listen to you.

There are ways to handle every issue. Talk to your child and let them know what bothers you and what they can do to help out around the house and after themselves. We as parents can only comfort them and love them. We all want to be there from the minute this child arrives into the world. Some dads miss out on their child’s few minutes into the world. Some dads don’t even show up at all. We all have made mistakes in being a perfect parent. No parent is perfect and we should not judge anyone else for their mistakes. I was there at the hospital for all of my 3 children and till this day have never missed an appointment at the doctor’s or anything else with them.

I am 100 percent dedicated to them and we do everything together. I take them out everyday and do things with them. My wife does not work she stays home with them and I work. I come home in the afternoon sometimes to see the kids and the wife. I love the family I made and sacrificed so much for them. I see some men that I know that can’t come home in the afternoons and can’t be there for their wives at the doctors and its not that they do not want to but just can’t. They work too much to support their family and to them that’s enough.

Being the perfect parent doesn’t mean you do everything perfect it just means your always there for your children. We can make mistakes and but we do need to prevent them or just make up for them. Being perfect means that you get the household chores done, you get the meals made, and kids are on time with their homework. Making your child feel that they need to be perfect can lead to serious problems. Later on in life they will turn out to be that way. It can bother some people to see a child or an adult that way. There are things in life that we can and can not fix.

Do not let your child think you’re a drill sergeant and you have to have everything to a T. Let them have messy days and a B instead of an A on their report cards. They will and can try better but don’t yell and scold them for it. Children are children and learn from their mistakes.

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