Personal Triumph Leads to Life Change for a St. Louis Woman


Webster’s dictionary defines it as: the joy or exultation of victory or success and Thomas Paine once said, “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply, we give esteem too lightly; ’tis dearness that gives everything its value.”

Everyone has something in their lives that they consider a triumph. Mary Barge Hoar, was no different; gainfully employed, happily married and a new mother she had everything she could have wanted.

That was until everything came to a crashing halt. Mary found a lump in her breast. Something in her heart knew it was cancer, but she trusted her doctor’s opinion that it wasn’t.

She went through her days working and raising her son, but for some reason she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still wrong with her. She went back to her doctor one more time to hopefully get some answers that would put her mind at ease. She however, was not so lucky.

She was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and began a long year of treatment. After successfully completing a year of treatment, Mary decided that she needed to change her priorities.

In her spare time, she began playing with wire and teaching herself to make wine glass charms, which she gave to friends and family. From there, her art matured and she began noticing the wonderful response she got from friends, family, and people she passed on the street.

Then it hit her, this is where she needed to be, making her beautiful jewelry and spending time with her family.

Now Mary sells her stunning, one of a kind jewelry at an average of 30 art festivals a year, across America. If you would like to meet Mary and see her stunning, one of kind creations; look for her September 22 thru October 15 in the St. Louis Symphony Showhome.

For more information on Mary Barge Hoar and how you can get your own charming design, visit

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