Pet and Animal Rescue Groups in Maine

Androscoggin County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Greater Androscoggin Humane Society (cats and dogs)
They have a low cost spay/neuter program. They are in the middle of building a brand-new shelter.
Aroostook County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Central Aroostook Humane Society( cats and dogs)
Cumberland County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Animal Refuge League ( dogs, cats, birds and small animals)
They have a low-cost spay and neuter program.
Hancock County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
SPCA of Hancock County ( all animals)
Kennebec County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Kennebec Valley Humane Society-Connor Animal Shelter (cats, dogs and small animals)
Serves the towns of Augusta, Chelsea, China, Farmingdale, Fayette, Gardiner, Hallowell, Liberty, Litchfield, Manchester, Monmouth, Mt. Vernon, Palermo, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, Richmond, Vassalboro, Wayne, West Gardiner, Windsor and Winthrop
Maine Greyhound Placement Service
Greyhounds used to be “put to sleep” Now, thanks to groups like this they are given a second chance at life.
Knox County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Humane Society of Knox County( cats and dogs)
They have a couple of great events coming up.
Oxford County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Harvest Hills Animal Shelter( cats and dogs)
Always looking for volunteers
Penobscot County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
The Bangor Humane Society ( cats, dogs and small animals)
They offer low-cost spay/neuter and are looking for volunteers and foster homes. Check out the events page and see if there is one you can attend.
Sagadahoc County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Second Chance Boxer Rescue ( Boxers only)
An easy way to help them is to download the flyer on the first page and put it up on bulletin boards in your town. You could help get some dogs new homes
Washington County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
The Ark for Pets (cats and dogs)
They have a low cost spay/neuter program.
York County, Maine Animal Rescues/ Shelters
Another Chance Animal Rescue ( dogs, cats and small animals)
In Oct they are hosting a low-cost rabies and micro chip event. They are also looking for items to be donated to their thrift shop.
The Animal Welfare Society( cats, dogs and small animals)
They have many up coming events Check out their different low-cost spay. neuter programs,
Kitty Cat Lane Rescue (cats only)
They are a relatively new group, only 4 years old.