Phoenix MLS: Ahwatukee, Phoenix, Arizona is There a Better Time to Buy Than Right Now?

On arriving back in the valley after a two year transfer to the Midwest, I set up camp in an apartment in North Scottsdale. After exhaustive searching of the Phoenix MLS, and months of looking at open houses, I found my dream house in North Scottsdale. It wasn’t a mansion, or very expensive for that matter, but the location, size and floor plan worked wonderfully. For two years I enjoyed living in North Scottsdale visiting the wide range of restaurants, easy to reach great hikes in the Mc Dowels, and I was close to central Scottsdale for cultural activities.
Then I met my current wife who lived in Ahwatukee. I not only had to learn how to spell it but I had to learn how to say it without laughing. Ah-wa-too-ke. She owned a home in Ahwatukee that she didn’t want to give up. After long distance dating, we finally combined homes in Ahwatukee, me selling my home on the Phoenix MLS.
I can’t and would not say a negative word about N. Scottsdale. Its truly a great place to live and to raise children. I did find and still find a more lay back attitude in Ahwatukee which is soothing to my nerves. We in Ahwatukee don’t have quite the number of restaurants as N. Scottsdale has, but they are coming, and combining the restaurants of Chandler, and Tempe, AZ we are getting up there in about the same square mileage.
Although interest rates are up slightly from a year ago, they remain at historically low levels making Ahwatukee still a great buy! Its true homes are on the market substantially longer than a year ago in the Phoenix real estate market, and there are more of them, it is also true that sales are picking up, and more homes are sold each month. I think this demonstrates that the buyer’s market of today will be a level market very shortly. Further, that any price eroding has happened and those buyers waiting for a crash, or even are waiting so they don’t feel like they over paid should not wait any longer. The bottom of the Phoenix real estate market has arrived.
The buyer of today in Ahwatukee has a ton of homes to choose from, at very competitive mortgage rates and pricing, I think, is standing fast. Now is the time to get out and see what’s available in our land of cull de sacs. Should the market turn up, you can bet prices will follow. Jump in while the water is still warm.