Picture Frame Decor for Plain Wooden Headboards

Picture frames of any size can be used to decorate plain wooden headboards in many unique ways. Place three 8×10’s, spaced evenly across the front of the wooden headboard, then insert fabric, wallpaper or even posters into the frames for the final touch.
There are lots of different fabrics that have a unique print for putting in the frame. Floral scenes, solid textured pieces, or even cartoon characters for children’s beds, can be found at fabric stores. Since it won’t take much material to fill three frames, the expense is not great.
Choose the frame type that’s right for the look you want. Thick, wooden picture frames will give an entirely different look to the headboard than sleek metallic frames. Frames that have a Native American design stamped on the border will make a headboard look very different than a thin, plastic frame.
Mount the picture frames on the bed in the design of your choice. Align three or four 8×10’s or 5×7’s across the front, put one frame on each corner of the bed and add another in the center, or just use teeny-tiny frames to go all the way around the perimeter of the headboard. Another look requires mounting only one picture frame, directly in the center. Or, eliminate the headboard altogether and mount just one large frame on the footboard.
Take the standing or hanging hardware off of the picture frame, then mount the frame with contact cement or another strong adhesive. If you think you’d like to change the design inside the frame often, mount the pictures with mounting putty, found at most hardware stores. The putty is placed on the corners of the frame then pressed up against the headboard. The putty works pretty well for holding the frames and won’t mar the surface of the headboard.
For the design inside the frame consider doily and ribbon arrangements, wallpaper, contact paper, flat brass pieces, scenes cut from posters, fabric, scenes cut from sheets or blankets, old newspaper or magazine ads and clippings, antique photos of a large city or landmark, or other media. The more unique the frame design and under-glass arrangement, the more impressive the headboard will be when finished.
The picture frame headboard is a unique look that is one-of-a-kind and the expense is very small compared to that of buying a new headboard. The picture frames also serve to cover scratches or bad places on an otherwise nice wooden headboard. You’ll love the look, the price, and the fun of creating the picture frame headboard.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design