Pirates Make Great Halloween Costumes

The movie grossed well over $200 million, the characters have been embedded in our minds for all time. Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew of pirates set sail to find treasure chests, full of gold and the heart of Davey Jones himself in the Pirates of The Caribbean saga. It is a continuing tale that sparks the interest of moviegoers across the country.

With Halloween just around the corner, what better costume is there than that of a pirate for you or your children. Of course, you can find such costumes anywhere. Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target, your local costume supply store and maybe even your local grocery stores have pirate costumes on display for sale in their annual Halloween department. But, one of the more convenient ways is by looking for one online.

Such websites as BuyCostumes.com, OrientalTrading.com, CostumeExpress.com, HalloweenMart.com, and HalloweenCostumes.com offer many varieties of different costumes and accessories to make your Halloween experience the funnest, most frightening, and hilarious time you can have. Check these sites out. Pirates are a big theme this year since Jack Sparrow made his second appearance on the big screen, but they offer so much more.

Adult Costumes:

New for 2006, the “Captain Jack Sparrow Deluxe Adult” is almost a perfect replica for any adult who wants to be the rummy pirate this Halloween.

A premium quality “Rustic Pirate Lady – Elite Adult Collection” is fitting for the ladies wanting to party with their husbands or boyfriends in the Jack Sparrow costume.

New for 2006, not the most family-friendly costume in the world but certainly not the worst is the “Vixen Pirate Wench Adult”. Ladies, you can look like the dream girl to your pirate men.

Offered with a BCTV video, the “Pirate’s Wench Elite Collection Adult” is a stunning costume, designed for the ladies to look their best alongside their pirate.

Not the most perfect or alluring pirate lady costume, “Ruby the Pirate Beauty” is still a salvageable item for your pirate ensemble.

A premium quality “Pirate Elite Collection Adult” is one of the more convincing and recognizable pirate costumes ever. It’s not Jack Sparrow but it’s definitely worth a gander.

The “High Seas Piratess Adult” is an extravagant costume for any lady who wants to look the pirate.

New for 2006, this “Deck Hand Darling Plus Adult” is a perfect costume for those ladies with a few extra pounds. I mean no disrespect, I too was overweight once and I was never quite able to fit into any costumes. Now with these great costume ideas for the more robust people, everyone can enjoy being a pirate or lass. If you’re hoping to lose weight, check out my articles on The Zone and help yourself lose those few extra pounds before Halloween.

For those guys who want to look sinister the sinister pirate and wear some colorful ’80s pants, this “Cutthroat Pirate Adult” is perfect for you.

Offered with a BCTV video, this “Blackheart Pirate Adult” is swimmingly dashing and sinister all at the same time.

One of the – if not the most gruesome and scary Halloween pirate costume is the new for 2006 “Gravelords High Seas Pirate Adult”. Check it out and imagine just how scared you might leave people at a party..

A little cheaper and cheesier but still ultimately gruesome is the “Buccanner Bones Pirate”. It’s bonier than most, ugly than most, and looks more frightening and dead than most. Positively perfect to scare on Halloween. Enjoy!

For those with a sense of humor, this “Parade Mega Matie Adult” is funny. It may be for parades but I imagine it may also be great for a laugh.

Child Costumes:

For kids wanting to look like the captain of the high seas is the “El Capitan Child”.

The “Boy High Seas Buccaneer Child” is great for trick-or-treaters or kids just wanting to look the pirate. A BCTV video is offered with it.

A cheaper, cheesier costume for kids is the “Pirate Boy Child”. However, it may be one of the newer and more affordable costumes on the market. I guessed they realized how bad it was as soon as it hit the shelves and decided to mark it down… I dunno.

For those kids who want to look the sinister pirate while wearing some colorful ’80s pants, the “Cutthroat Pirate Child” is perfect.

Finally, for those boys wanting to scare the pants off of people, there’s the “Cap’n Scurvy Child”.

Remember Ruby from the adult section? Well they have here in child size too. “Ruby The Pirate Beauty Child” is a great costume for the little lasses.

Finally, the cutest pirate costume would probably be the “Petite Pirate Child”.

Of course, these are not the only pirate costumes available but they are the ones I found in searching Buycostume.com. Each sight offers some of the same costumes, some different. But, you might actually find some great costumes at great prices on at least one of these sights. Arrrg maties and lasses! You’re in some scurvy seas if you think the pirate costume isn’t a great idea for Halloween.

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