Pizza Box Purses, Carriers and More

What’s better than a hot pizza on a tired night? The things you can make from the box as soon as you get rejuvenated. There’s all kinds of storage containers, with carrying handles, that can be made from various sizes of pizza boxes. The preferred box is the type that has the lid attached to the back of the box.

Obviously, a large pizza box will hold much more than a small pizza box but the small one is actually more appropriate when it comes to making purses and some other items. However, the larger ones are great for other projects.

Two pizza boxes are needed to make most of the storage carriers here. The first order of business is to use wide, sticky tape to hinge the two boxes together. Stack the boxes, with openings facing away from you, and place the piece of tape all the way across the back of the boxes, where the two boxes meet. This will give the two boxes a “hinge” which will hold them together.

Inside the boxes (after they’ve been well cleaned), you can attach pieces of wood, or cardboard strips to section off areas for what you’ll be carrying. Whether it be Hot Wheels cars or miniatures you’ve collected from around the country, you’ll be able to easily make a showcase for them all.

Cover the boxes in fabric by using fusible webbing. The webbing is an iron-on type of adhesive which will allow you to easily cover the box in a decorative and easy manner. A button and stretchy hair tie are all you need to bring the two boxes together at the top, and secure them.

To make handles for the carrier simply open each box and poke two holes in the front side area – where the boxes close. You’ll do these to each front of each box, so you’ll have a total of 4 holes, two on the flap that tucks in and two on the opposite side. Tie twine or roping into a knot on one end and put the other end through the first hole, from bottom to top. Now put it through the hole next to it, from top to bottom. Tie a knot and trim. That will be your first handle. Do the same to the opposite side and you’ll then be able to carry the case with no trouble.

When you open the carrier and lay it flat you’ll see that you have two separate pizza boxes, and each one can be opened to display the items. But, since you don’t want people to notice that the arrangement is made from pizza boxes, take a little extra time to fuse cloth to the area. First, put a piece of the wide tape across the bottom, where the two boxes meet. Now use the fusible webbing to attach the cloth.

The pizza boxes, when connected and covered, make fabulous purses, display cases, collectible cases and more. Use them to store craft supplies, doll clothes, miniature vehicles, sewing supplies, photos – or just make a small child’s play purse.

There are plenty of ways to decorate the pizza boxes without using cloth, too. Try using decoupage adhesive to attach old stamps, envelopes, cards, postcards, or scraps of paper. Write on it with fabric paints or add small jewels to enhance the look.

The pizza box project is fun and easy enough for most children to do. The arrangement is unique and can hold quite a bit of stuff, even if you’re working with the smaller pizza boxes. So, the next time you’re thinking pizza, think storage containers, purses, scrapbooks and more.

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