Places to Donate Cars in Orlando, FL

The big mouse isn’t the only one who can spread some magic around Orlando, Florida. If you have a car you’d like to get rid of, several Orlando-area organizations accept donated cars. A chance to do a good thing and maybe get a tax deduction – you’d be goofy not to check it out.

One such organization is WMFE ( 11510 East Colonial Drive – Orlando, Florida 32817, 407-273-2300). WMFE is the hub of Central Florida’s public broadcasting. It include a radio station and a TV station. According to its website, WMFE is dedicated to providing “educational, entertaining and compelling programming to central Florida.” Cars are sold at private auction and proceeds are given to the station for “programs…and outreach efforts.”

TO DONATE YOUR CAR TO WMFE ORLANDO: The station website offers several parameters. First, your car must have an engine and be towable. Second, you must have the title (pink slip) for your car. To schedule a pick-up or for more information, potential donors are asked to call 1-866-WMFE-AUTO and speak to a Representative. Donations may be tax deductible. The official WMFE website is

Another organization in Orlando where you can donate a car is The National Kidney Foundation of Florida (1040 Woodcock Road, Suite 119 Orlando, Florida 32803 phone: 1-800-927-9659). This is the Florida affiliate of the National Kidney Foundation. The Foundation’s website states it’s purpose “is to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation.”

TO DONATE YOUR CAR TO THE NKF of FL: The Foundation, based in Orlando, takes cars, trucks and boats as donations. According to the site “the proceeds going to kidney research, organ donor awareness and patient services.” To donate a car, it must be whole and you must own the title. In most cases, the NKF will pay to have your car towed if necessary. They tow in most areas across the U.S. They also take almost all cars but may not be able to take some makes and models. Interested donors are asked to call 1-800-488-CARS.

The American Lung Association of Florida accepts donations of cars. The proceeds of their sales (either to car dealers or salvage yards) “helps to raise money to support local American Lung Association programs and research.” Their Orlando office is located at 1333 West Colonial Drive. (Phone: 407-425-5864.)

TO DONATE YOUR CAR TO THE AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA: The Lung Association takes cars in almost any condition as long as the owner has the title. They provide free towing. Anyone interested in donating in the Orlando-area should call the branch office number. Consult the American Lung Association of Florida website for more details:

As with any donation, if you’d like to deduct your car donation from your taxes, check with a tax expert to see what laws apply. Each organization should also be able to fill you in on some of the details. Some websites contain information on new tax laws which came into effect in January of 2005.

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