Plan A Longest Day Party for Summer Solstice!

I read some of the many customs surrounding the endless day of summer and decided it would be great to give a party incorporating some of the traditions. To invite a bunch of friends over for a solstice theme party is now on my agenda and here’s how I’m approaching it and why.
First of all, many of the traditional celebrations are all about the summer growth in plants. That’s exactly why women wore circlets of flowers and clover, the men wore circlets of oak leaves and flowers and they even draped the cattle and dogs too. That’s a nice idea even if you don’t do anything elaborate. Even the most macho guy isn’t going to refuse a great wristband made of leaves and flowers! So, while it might require a little thinking on the craft front, it’s doable and it’s virtually free.
The other things involved in a proper solstice celebration are things very much a part of summer anyway âÂ?¦it’s just a little adding and dramatizing here and there. You need a bonfire. If you live in the country that’s an easy thing to work out, but even if you only have a small patio with a patio fireplace, you can do it too. If you live in a city apartment, you’re sort of out of luck on this unless you can consider a pile of matches in an ashtray, a bonfire!
Feasting and merrymaking are also on the list. This could be anything from bar-b-que and iced down beer to something more elaborate. I think it will be fun to do loads of grilled meats that you eat with your fingers. After all, let’s get pagan! Lots of breads, meats and cheeses âÂ?¦forget all the veggies and salads for a change, as no one really likes eating them anyway. This is about “feasting”! Get some good wine and pour it freely and let the merrymaking begin.
I plan to select some appropriate summer’s night music too and will encourage some dancing too.
One of the traditions I read about is that there’s a group of herbs, which should be thrown on the bonfire for good luck. These are: mistletoe, vervain, St. John’s wort, heartsease, lavender and then any four seasonal choices. Since we aren’t being picky here in the traditional sense, I say make up a batch of whatever herbs you have and make a display about throwing it on the fire. It’s all about the spirit of summer rather than following exact âÂ?¦and questionable âÂ?¦ rules.
My other thought is that since there’s a remake coming soon of “The Wicker Man” movie, that great cult classic from 1973, to rent it and show it in case of rain. Sure, it’s supposed to be about May Day, but it’s such a great film about pagan/wican rites that it’s perfect. Besides, the ending can’t be beat as far as bonfires go!!!!
So, get busy and get a plan together for the Summer Solstice. I am and it’s going to be great!