Plan Ahead when You Don’t Have an Air Conditioner for the Summer to Keep Cool

Now there are many people who prefer to not use an air conditioner as a means to keep cool in the summertime. Some people find that there are times when they would love to be using an air conditioner but they either do not have one or the one that they do have is broken and therefore they can not use it. In the event that you will be confronted with really hot weather and you are without an air conditioner there are several things that you can do before the overly warm weather arrives to help you keep your home cool and therefore stay cool yourself.

If You Have Some Time to Plan Ahead . . . . . . . .

See That You Have Tree to Create Shade

Plant some trees to block the sunlight that is warming up your home. If you know that you are going to be moving in the amount of time that it would take for trees to grow big enough to add some shade for comfort then consider looking for a home that already has some trees that are grown and are positioned so they will give your home a break from the sunlight.

Choose a Light Colored Roof

If you need to replace your roof make sure that you pick a light color, if you are not going to be replacing your roofing before you move out of your current home consider choosing a home that already has a light colored roof and save yourself the trouble of having to install new roofing just to get a different color.

Paint Your Home a Light Color

Like the color of your roof the color of your house will affect the amount of heat your home absorbs. If you don’t think that you will be painting your home a light color because you are going to be moving than consider getting a house that is already painted a light color that you enjoy.

Insulate Really Well

Insulation keeps hot air in on a cold night, but it also keeps cool air in on a hot day. If you don’t think it is worth the cost and time to insulate your home to its most potential or if you are moving, try and find a house that is already well insulated, especially if it has an upstairs.

Dig a Swimming Pool

Now this may sound like hard work and if you think that it just wouldn’t fit into your property layout than consider getting an above ground swimming pool, you likely can find them for clearance after the swimming season has begun and either use it for the end of the Summer or for the next Summer and the next Summer and the next Summer . . . and you won’t have to pick up a shovel.

Have a Basement

You can’t really put a basement in your home if you don’t already have one, so if you plan to move and think that a basement is something that you would want, remember they can be a great place to be when it is hot outside, of course they aren’t always the best place to be if it is cold outside.

These are a few things that you can do if you have some time to prepare your home for the warm weather that comes with the summertime. Check out No A/C? What to Do to Keep Yourself Cool and No A/C? What to Do to Keep Your Home Cool for immediately relief from the hot weather.

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