Plan B and Political Agendas

The FDA’s statement issued on July 31, 2006, which said that the birth control drug was being considered for wider access to women over 18 years of age, came as a surprise to supporters of Plan B. The FDA had previously stood in the way of Plan B becoming readily available, despite scientific experts and committees proclaiming the drug safe enough for over the counter sale.
Now as it stands, Barr Pharmaceuticals is expected to meet with the FDA on Monday to discuss packaging, consumer access and other details that would have been the scapegoat problem details, but are now hopefully closing details. The background for the details will have restrictions I’m sure, but how possible is it that scientific and humane ethics will win against religious followers and their warriors?
I’m thinking it will probably go very well for Plan B supporters. Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach has headed the FDA on an acting basis for almost a year. Yet without a senate-confirmed head, the FDA body cannot function completely and correctly. So the nomination is a very important step, not only for the country but for the doctors career. The last thing he will want to do is put this moment in jeopardy. So yeah, I think it will slip through pretty easily.
I don’t think however, that the staunch opposition to Plan B will just let sleeping dogs lie. Not far down the road is another important departmental head election campaign, the presidential election. Maybe that is what the Senator Clinton is thinking of also, in the drug availability protection position?
Plan B is sure to be an issue, although maybe not as important a topic as foreign military affairs, and will have passionate voters looking for the God-chosen man for the job. So whatever is decided soon could be turned over not long after the presidential election, depending on political pliability at that time.
Quite frankly, the fact that birth control is still a political issue and not a medical one in 2006 is ludicrous. The government is basically force feeding its citizens flouride and chlorine through public drinking water, both of which is not a necessary additive but has health endangering properties. The planet is facing overpopulation and all of the disasters associated with it yet, a woman’s health choice is being made not by her but by the moral elect.