Plan Your Super Bowl Party Food Now

Super Bowl Day is almost a two- part event, based on television, and you need to decide if you are having an all day affair or concentrating solely on the actual game. Because the Super Bowl runs late on a work night, your best bet is to have a two- stage party. Create the invitation as a Super Bowl Open House. By setting it up as an open house, friends can come and go. You can predict who will stop by and who will actually hang for the game.
For the daytime event, have plenty of beer, wine, and sodas. Set up a buffet table and encourage folks to bring snacks. Forget counting calories. Make sure you have tons of bags of chips, plenty of dip, and a huge warming tray of meatballs. Chicken wings of all flavors are a favorite, and have pizza delivery lined up on the speed dial. Creative foods are not expected at a Super Bowl party. Minimal presentation is required. This is the easiest party in the world to throw because it is all about fast foods and beer.
Sure the big screen is set on the all day Super blather, but for the afternoon gang, you need a game to spark up the activity. This requires some quick research on your part and some preparation prior to the party. Once the playoffs determined the conference champions, you have two sets of team information to use for trivia questions. Plus there is past Super Bowl history to use as fodder.
Now the key to this game is splitting up your guests into teams with an equal number of men and women. Provide the teams with an information sheet that covers some of the material on the trivia quiz. Like the movie “Diner”, where the bride-to-be had to answer all Colts questions, the women will be answering the trivia questions. So, the men need to coach the female teammates. This game brings everyone into the Super Bowl excitement and there will be plenty of groans and laughter and some creative answers. The prize should, of course, be football paraphernalia of some sort.
As the afternoon proceeds, the casual viewers leave and the serious Super Bowl partygoers are staking out good seats. Have folks sit on certain team sides so you have a friendly rivalry in your own living room. You should change out the buffet table and provide some sliced beef, a tray of lasagna, or other heartier foods. Finally, prior to kick-off, you need to declare the jello shot rules. Speaking from experience, jello shots should not be done for every touchdown. Otherwise, you may have a lot of guests sleeping over. Instead, you may want to come up with other criteria – only field goals, only for wardrobe incidents, or if the announcers use the word “Heidi” and chuckle.
Enjoy the game and your friends. You have hosted a successful all day Super Bowl Party.