Planning a Less Stressful Move

Even when moving is filled with the anticipation of a first home, new home, or a home that better accommodates your needs, it is a stressful change on every member of the family. By planning ahead, getting your affairs in order before your move, and getting your family involved, your new house will transform into a home with less stress and less work.

Plan Ahead

The secret weapon in an incident-free move is organization. You should begin looking for a new home approximately three to five months before you plan on moving. There are many reasons for the three to five month home search. Primarily, it gives you ample time to find a new home that suits your needs without settling on what simply is available in the moment. An early start to finding your new home could mean the difference between finding a three bedroom duplex and a four bedroom home with a backyard. If you will be moving to a different town or city, this also gives ample time to find employment. If you have children and they will be transferring schools, it also gives them time to prepare for the move by getting to know the community.


Start this early, too! As soon as you have your new home and know when you are going to be moving in, start packing. Take those sweaters that you have hanging in your closet in the middle of May and pack them for your move! Anything that is not essential and that is not used at least once a week should be packed away. You should start with any boxes, crates, or totes that you currently have stored away. Instead of taking a lot of things you won’t or don’t use and maybe done’ even remember that you have, go through these items and either throw away or donate any items of no use to you. After this, you should pack any home décor. Although these make your current house look nice, packing these items away now can make them a priority in unpacking at your new home later. By packing early, you eliminate the need to pack, clean, and move all within a short period of time. Place your boxes of possessions in storage, basement, or garage. Once moving day comes, they will be all together and ready to move.

Getting Your Family Involved

Packing is the perfect time to get your family involved in moving. If you have children, give them totes (the price of a tote at a discount department store like Wal-Mart is almost as much as you pay for moving boxes) and set a limit of toys, clothing, and personal belongings that can stay with them. If you have young children, make a game of packing toys. If you have a large movie collection, allow them to pick their most favorite movies and pack the rest.


A month before you move, contact your current utility companies and let them know you are moving and give them a date to discontinue services and inform them of your new address. If you will be using the same utility company, transfer your services. Be aware that some companies charge for transfer of services. Contact your new utility companies and establish service. Some companies may require an application to be filled out before establishing service or a deposit paid. Go to post office and obtain a change of address form. You can specify the date that you want the address change to take affect.

Moving Day

Moving Day is finally here! If you have planned and packed, moving day should consist only of that – moving. With all of your boxes together in a specific area, loading the truck will take much less time and the trips from old house to new home will move like an assembly line. If possible have some help and while a few people are loading up the vehicle, a few more can be at the new home unpacking. Move furniture first. It gets the big stuff out of the way and rooms will not be cluttered with boxes when it comes time to bringing in beds, sofas, and tables.


Ideally, there would be a month time period when one would have access to both homes. If you are able to arrange this, the decorations and storage items should be unpacked and put in their places by the time moving day comes. By taking time to unpack what you can before moving day, moving day will run smoothly and will seem less like work and more like an exciting time for you and your family. Your family will not be living out of boxes for a few days or even a few weeks and you will be able to relax.


After everything has been moved, the cleaning process begins. Before moving, purchase cleaning products for your new home so there will be cleaning products at your old home available to use. Do not wait to wash baseboards, floors and closets. Do this before moving day. After moving day comes, however, don’t stall on getting the cleaning done. Although it may be tempting to consume yourself with your new home, your previous home still needs attention. Clean the day after the move. Not only will this get the job done quickly, it will free your mind from the stress of having both homes to attend to.

Change can be very hard. When it comes to moving, it can be downright exhausting. However, with a plan, some organization, and cleaning doesn’t have to be something that causes stress or is extra hard work. Pay attention to the details and enjoy your new home.

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