Planning a Rummage Sale

You will want to plan a specfic day and allow two days if you can. Make sure that the weather is looking good for that day. You will want to bring a few chairs to put outside and some drinks. You will also need to get change including all sorts of different bills. You will also want to stock pile your plastic bags from the grocery store. People that buy your items can use the bags to take their items home in. I would bring a calculator outside to help with calculating the change due.
You may want to run an ad in your local newspaper. Runnings ads are fairly inexpensive ranging from $5.00 to $20.00 depending on the length of your ad. I would recommend listing items that you will get a lot of money for. Make sure that the date and address is correct. Read through your ad a couple times before you submit the ad in. Ask reasonable prices but don’t cut yourself short on the same hand.
You might want to bring a friend along to help with the rummage sale. You want to set everything up the morning before the sale. You will need a few tables to put everything on. You will also need to put the rummage sale sign up. Usually rummage sales are on the weekends and through the entire week. No matter what day your rummage sale is you will attract customers with ads and signs.
Find items around your home that you don’t like anymore or haven’t used in a long time. Put prices on the items as you find them and place them in a box in the garage or basement. If you are renting tables you can pick them up the night before. Make sure that you have some things out by the time the rummage sale is set to take place. You don’t want people showing up and you haven’t even woke up out of bed yet.