Playing Video Games at Work

It has now gotten to the point where many companies are now deleting all games from the computer including limiting internet access. Of course this would be different if you work in a company that says that it is ok to play these type of games when you are on you lunch break. But this really depends on the type of enviornment that you work in. If you work in a business that deals a lot with clients, then you would not want them to walk by and see you playing computer games.
If a client wasnt to bring their business to a particular company and see everyone playing video games, they may decide to take their business elsewhere. When you are at work your main focus should be on your work. Even if you have finished all of your work for that particular day. You can always try and find something else to do, or try keeping yourself occupied in other ways.
It would also help to keep in mind that we live in a day and age where jobs are getting harder and harder to come by. You do not want to do anything that may run you the risk of losing your job. Or even if you just get some type of reprimand it will definitly look bad on your work record. Also some employers now have devices that will record everything that is done on a particular computer throughout the day.
You may not know it be they could be recording you, when they are not in the office. The best thing to do in this situation is to make sure that when you are at work, your focus is there as well. No matter how bored you are, it is better to get out a notepad and write out a shopping list than to play a computer game.