Playstation 3 Play Starts to Materialize as Tokyo Game Show Approaches

While Sony had a smattering of playable content for the PS3 on the show floor at E3, the system’s true colors will fly at the Tokyo Game Show in September as 27 playable titles will be available to the public to demo reports Gamespot. While it’s unknown if additional content will be on hand for previously shown titles as Sony’s Warhawk and critical darling Heaven’s Sword, titles such as Devil May Cry 4, originally only shown in video form, will be playable for the first time. Other notable playable titles include Lair, developed by previously Nintendo-only Factor 5 famous for their Star Wars shooters, and Mina No Golf 5, the latest entry in the popular Hot Shots Golf franchise. It isn’t known how many of these titles will feature the recently announced motion-sensitive controls available on the PS3’s Dual-Shock 3 controller. Reports across the industry indicate that most developers working with the PS3 have had little to no time to implement motion control in their software due to the suddenness of Sony’s decision to include the functionality in their controller. We’ll know just what the Playstation 3 can do on September 22nd when TGS begins.

Here’s a full list of playable titles:

Armored Core 4 (From Software)
Blade Storm Hyakunen Sensou (Koei)
Coded Arms Assault (Konami)
Devil May Cry 4 (Capcom)
The Eye of Judgment (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Fatal Inertia (Koei)
Formula One World Championship (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Genji (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
“Gran Turismo” Series (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Heavenly Sword (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Lair (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Mahjong Taikai IV (Koei)
Minna no Golf 5 (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight (Namco Bandai Games)
MotorStorm (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Railfan (Ongakukan)
Resistance: Fall of Man (Sony Computer Entertainment)
Ridge Racer 7 (Namco Bandai Games)
Warhawk (Sony Computer Entertainment)

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