Plumbing – Soldering Tips 101

One of the most disappointing things for a home owner is the site of unwanted running water in their home. A split or corroded copper pipe is a common problem in homes that can easily be repaired with the right knowledge and the proper tools. Here is a step by step guide on how to properly remove an affected section of copper pipe and solder a new piece of pipe in its place.

Step 1: Turn the main water supply off to the home. This will be at your water meter usually located at the front of the house either in the basement or the crawlspace.

Step 2: Open up all possible taps to drain as much water out of the pipe as possible (you can’t solder with water in the pipe).

Step 3: For this step you will need a set of copper cutters, these can be purchased at any home improvement store such as home depot or home hardware. With your copper cutters cut out the affect section of copper pipe. (you might want to have a bucket near by as there will still be some water left in the pipe)

Step 4: To solder you will need for things, grit cloth, a roll of solder, a Map gas or acetylene torch (propane will not work, its not hot enough and a common mistake), and flux & flux brush. You can also purchase these tools and supplies along with the proper fittings and pipe at any home improvement store.

Step 5: Clean the inside of your fitting as well as the end of the piping you will be installing with the grit cloth (think of it like sand paper on wood, your cleaning any impurities off the pipe).

Step 6: Once the fittings and the pipe are cleaned, apply the flux to the inside of the fittings and to the outside of the pipe with the flux brush.

Step 7: Join the fittings and the pipe together, make sure the pipe is all the way into the fitting.

Step 8: Roll about 1 foot off of your roll of solder in a straight line and make a slit hook at the end of it.

Step 9: (The soldering process). Light your torch and hold to the fitting you are about to solder (about a half inch away). Once the flame has been on the fitting for about ten seconds scratch the outside edge of the fitting with the solder, once the fitting is hot enough the solder will suck into the fitting through capillary attraction creating a water tight weld (make sure you can see the solder around the entire circumference of the pipe). Repeat this step with all sides of the fittings you used until they are all soldered.

Step 10: Wipe your joins and piping with a wet cloth, be careful it will be very hot but the water will cool it down quickly.

Step 11: Close any faucets you have turned on and proceed to turn the water back on to your home.

Step 12: Smile and pat yourself on the back, you did it! Even if you had to purchase every item in this guide you still saved a lot of money compared to hiring a licensed plumbing company to complete the task and you’ll have the tools for if this occurs in the future.

I hope this guide is helpful to home owners everywhere!

Josh Reimneitz,
Licensed Plumber

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