Plymouth Plantation: The Ultimate Thanksgiving Destination

Thanksgiving is an all-American holiday. In order to experience an authentic Thanksgiving experience, curious travelers might want to travel to Plimoth Plantation in Plymouth, Massachusetts. At Plimouth Plantation, guests are introduced to living, breathing history. A 1627 Pilgrim village, a Wampanoag homesite, and the Mayflower II are all part of this extrordinary site. Within the Pilgrim village, costumed history guides offer visitors a look in the customs, clothing, language, and tasks of the past. At Hobbamock’s Homesite, visitors will learn more about traditional Wampanoag life and aboard the Mayflower II, visitors find it easier to imagine the perilous journey from England to the New World.

For the ultimate in Thanksgiving, experience one of several Thanksgiving Day feasts offered each November at Plimouth Plantation. Six options are available and some require advance reservations.

Enjoy 17th century style dining offered on Thanksgiving and other selected days. From cheate bread and butter servied with ciderkin, this feast features mussels, sallet (salad), turkey, and much more. Foods offered are all traditional and the tastes are memorable.

Experience a meal eaten as the Pilgrims would have eaten the 1627 Harvest Dinner. No forks are found on the tables but silverware isn’t necessary to enjoy the bread and butter, sliced turkey, Indian pudding, apple cider, cheese and fruit and other offerings.

The Thanksgiving Day buffet features vegetable soup, salads, roast turkey, carved roast sirloin of beef, squash, cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, apple or pumpkin pie, and many other side dishes. Eat and enjoy in a feast more remiscent of present day American tastes than that of the first settlers on these shores.

Enjoy a Victorian Thanksgiving Dinner that includes fall harvest fruits and nuts, turkey, gingerbread, vegetables, cider cake, apple pie, and more. Recipes used are authentic to the Victorian age and the meal is one that would have been served around the turn of the last century for those who could afford such an affluent table.

Each of the above meals requires advance reservations and space is limited. For those with more flexible plans, Thanksgiving in the Courtyard is also offered. This fine meal features turkey with cornbread stuffing, butternut squash, mashed potatoes, Cape Cod cranberry sauce, desserts, and more. Served from 11am until 4pm on Thanksgiving Day, this feast is open to all with no reservations necessary.

Quick Service Dinners are also available on site and offerings include clam chowder, the Turkey Gobbler sandwich that includes both sliced turkey and cranberry sauce, lobster rolls, turkey, beef or vegetarian rollups, or a traditional turkey dinner. Throughout Plimoth Plantation, many foods are offered and these include chowder, sandwiches, desserts, hot chocolate, cider and more.

Plimoth Plantation is the ultimate Thanksgiving Day destination. It’s the place where Americans can enjoy a traditional feast, learn about the past, and enjoy living, breathing history.

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