Poetry of a Twisted Mind

the darkness consumes my every waking moment
as I plunge deeper and deeper into the abyss
this hate that I feel welling up inside of me
to destroy what has taken what I didn’t have
I forget to look past the blurred lines
and see that the end will come soon if I cross
if I cross that line into anger and affliction
the atrophy of my soul has reached its peak
and I don’t think I can take much more
this pain that pushes me down to the dirt
and laughs at my repressed feelings
building my anger until my eyes fill with hate
and I can no longer think beyond causing others suffering
for what has been done
there is no turning back
the doors have been closed
and the fate has been sealed
I am at a loss for words
and my light grows dim
as my conciousness begins to fade
looking down over myself with no control
as I tear myself and others apart at the seams
the seams that hold together the balance of feelings
of love
of hate
of sadness and pain
these feelings that build to destroy
the sould becomes a shadow of what it once was
being nonexistant in a materialistic world
I hate
I hate my feelings
they have betrayed me to believe what is not true
and to believe in instances that will never come to be
nothingness is all I feel now
and it cannot be explained
I right to vent my frustrations
but I feel as though my frustrations have evolved
evolved beyond my own comprehension
beyond me
I am no longer at the well of my frustration
just watching it swerve into the fog
into the fog…

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