Poisonous Snake Bites: Signs, Treatment, and Prevention

With the arrival of summer and warm weather, many adults and children will begin spending a lot more time outdoors. While summer is highly anticipated by some, there is one major drawback to hot weather. After months of hibernating under the ground, many creepy crawlers will begin to surface. Among these include snakes. Snakes are present in every location. Whether children are playing in the backyard, or you’re enjoy a family hike in the woods, the presence of snakes can result in injury. Here are a few tips for protecting yourself and family from potential snake bites.

Facts about Snake Bites:

� Each year, thousands of people in the United Snakes are bitten by a snake.

� Poisonous snakes that live in North American include the copperhead, water moccasins, and coral snake.

� Treatment for snake bites is most effective when received within four hours of the bite.

Signs of a Snake Bite

The majority of snake bites are harmless. Still, medical treatment is necessary. If you are allergic to snakes, or are attacked by a poisonous snake, the following symptoms may occur.

� Blurred vision
� Bloody discharge
� Convulsions
� Dizziness
� Sweating
� Swelling
� Numbness
� Fever
� Muscle weakness
� Fainting

Snake Bite Do’s and Don’ts

� Do remain calm
� Do not apply ice
� Do not remove venom
� Do not take medication to relieve pain
� Do seek medical attention immediately

Ways to Prevent a Snake Bite

� Encourage children not to pickup or play with garden or forest snakes.
� Avoid provoking a snake. If you cross paths with a snake, leave it alone.
� Wear long pants or boots when hiking or working in tall grassy areas.
� Stay away from snake infected areas at dust and nighttime.
� Be careful when handling rocks, logs, and so forth.
� If your encounter a snake, do not run or move. Snakes generally attack moving objects.

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