Politics and Voting for People Who Hate Both

If you hate politics, voting, and the hypocrisy that goes with it because you feel you can’t make a difference, as 63.6% of qualified potential voters did in 2004, then this article may help. Most people who don’t vote or participate in politics, refrain because, they have the false notion that the situation is totally hopeless. They resign themselves to wallow in sarcasm and cynicism because that is what the television teaches all of us to do. It is no accident. This review will be extremely superficial and I encourage everyone to go out and learn the truth behind the secret of how our government was designed to work. I hope to show very good reasons why every freedom loving person in the states should vote for anyone BUT a Republican or Democrat.

The system is broken. I always hear people say, “the system is not perfect but it’s the best one we have and until we can find a better one, I’ll support this one.” The truth of the matter is, the system does work, but they (the local, federal, and state government,) are not using the system the way that they swore to, upon pain of treason, perjury, and even death. Before I can get into the failures in the system, I must first get into the failures of the people.

An extremely shortened history of the united states government is: we the people created the government in order to secure our property and rights. The government has no other purpose. Property is any tangible possession that you own. Not something you are making payments on or renting, but something that is paid for, in full, and in your possession. Rights are a little bit more complicated and few people understand them completely. That makes them easier to violate.

Simply put; a right is something that you can do because you are a free person. Examples of rights are the right to live. If you are a slave, you don’t have the right to live without your master’s consent, you must obey. The right to travel is another popular one. You have the right to travel anywhere in the united states if you are a free American. You have the right to eat, drink, and pursue happiness. But this is not a free pass to do anything you want. No person can have a right with out understanding the responsibility that goes with it. For example: every person has the right to carry a gun. You also have the responsibility to make sure that gun doesn’t shoot the wrong person. The right to vote is also the responsibility to make sure the wrong person is not elected. The right to drink is also the responsibility to not get wasted and run someone over.

Can a right be taken away from you? No. A privilege can be taken away from you by a higher authority. For example: prohibition. If we the people created the government and have full control over it, then how can IT take our right to drink beer away from us? The answer is Democracy. Within the last two centuries, the united states has become a democracy, just like Rome did before it fell.

In recorded history, the longest lasting democracy of all time was Rome. It lasted for two hundred years. What? Two hundred years? Good people everywhere know that Rome lasted for two thousand years. Rome was founded on a republic. The republic lasted for eighteen hundred years. The democracy that it turned into lasted for about two hundred and then it fell. The reason that it always happens this way is because a democracy is very easy to corrupt and exploit. This will need a little bit of explaining for people who aren’t familiar with how governments work.

A democracy works entirely through the people’s vote. You can vote for or against anything submitted to a democracy. You can vote to kill all the blonde people in a democracy and if the majority agrees, it happens. It IS mob rule. This mentality is what led to corporations getting human rights, like an actual person, in the mid 70’s. In a republic, the government steps in to protect a person’s individual rights by making sure this doesn’t happen. You can’t vote away someone’s rights, property, possessions, or even the god given power to drink alcohol in a republic. This is hard, undeniable proof, that the republic is dead or dying.

So how and why do things like prohibition happen? The why, can only be explained as an example of a flexing of control over the people. It was a democratic test to see what we would do. The same thing is happening today with the “war on drugs.” It would make more sense to say that there is a war on photosynthesis or ideas. The government has NO authority to prevent you from smoking marijuana and many states, like the Republic of California, agree. They have passed laws to protect their people from the federal government. However, the federal police will arrest you, if you choose to medicate yourself.

The cold hard truth of the matter is; people today are not willing to fight for freedom. We have all heard the old saying, “freedom isn’t free.” Most people take that to means we should join the military. It actually has more meaning when applied to people standing up against tyranny and our founding fathers agreed. Thomas Jefferson said, “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” What did he mean by that? Over the course of history, all governments have failed and all governments can be corrupted, so we must stand up to them as individuals and as a group or we too will suffer despotism. Thomas Jefferson said, “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” These are strong words but when have we ever made our leaders pay for their lies? Richard Nixon and Benedict Arnold are two of the worst known offenders and yet, the worst they got was a change of address. There have been many worse offenders who got away with it.

If you are a freedom loving American, you must fight the government or lose your freedom. It is not a question according to our founders. The best way to do it is by standing up and screaming at the top of your lungs, “NO, you can not do that! You can’t take my Social Security money to pay political salaries. No, you can’t take illegal taxes out of my paycheck, pocket, and bank account. No, you can’t force me to join the Army, serve jury duty, or testify against myself.” Leave a better legacy for our kids than our parents left us.

Voting is not the answer to the problem. It is just a small step on the road to freedom that we all must walk. The issues that politicians talk about now are meant to mislead you from the real questions. The fight over abortion rights is a prime example. Nobody has the right to tell another FREE person what to do with their body or property, yet politicians have assumed that ownership, and debate it as owners of your child and body. They claim that they have the right to choose for you because the Democracy wants it that way. The real question to ask is not whether or not abortion is moral but whether or not someone else has ownership of you, your morality, and your property (an embryo in this case.) The same is true for gun control, Medi-Care, Social Security, etc.

Many people say they are voting for the lesser of two evils. The problem with that is that you guarantee you will end up with evil. Worse than that are the people who try to pick the winner, like a horse race, because they want to be on the winning team. Why would you want to play that game? Another reason we refrain is because we think nobody else has a chance and why vote for someone who’s going to lose? A good reason to vote for anyone besides the two leading parties is this: If a third party candidate gets only 2% of the vote, and they lost by 2%, that party will want that percentage. They will change their stance to encourage that 2% to vote for them, even if it means giving up some control and power.

The situation is not hopeless. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same coin. One is for abortion the other against it all the while neither has a right to any of it. They have assumed control of our lives and we have given it to them by conceding. To stand up against them is crazy. No person in his or her right mind would do so. The ‘authorities’ have guns, police, laws, judges, the army, CIA, FBI, IRS, etc. all in their pockets. This is why we must use the system to help ourselves. But if that system fails, we must not submit to their false authority. No matter what happens, no matter who calls you crazy; no matter what the threat of force is do not give in. Right is right, and the more people that get educated and stand up for them selves, the easier it will be.

The good news is that people are waking up in record numbers. The 2004 presidential election exit poles say that Bush actually lost the popular vote. This has never happened before. According to Fox News, the ’04 election in Utah had 10,000 votes for Bush BEFORE the poles had opened. Things like this will discourage many people from voting. In Florida a local lady running for city hall logged in to the election computer without a password and gave herself 2,000 votes using the exact same computers that are used in presidential elections. Two thirds of the people now believe, without a doubt, that there was a conspiracy in the JFK assassination. And for the first time in its history, the Libertarian party has put a real candidate up for election: Michael Badnarik. He was arrested for trying to go to the presidential debates but still managed to get quite a few votes. He got 0.3%, which is a lot considering Ralph Nader, the tool put up by the man, got 0.4% with quite a bit more airtime. Only 36.4% of qualified voters made it to the polls in 2004. Imagine if all of us hopeless cynics had voted.

Someone once said, “You only have the rights you are willing to fight and die for.” Participating in a corrupted system may eventually lead us to that point, but not being involved is how we got to this point in the first place. Register to vote if you hate the system. Joining the Libertarian Party makes a much greater statement than remaining silent. Registering for any party BUT Republicans and Democrats is a big F. U. to the corrupt political state. So let’s actually show our freedom by breaking the mold and voting for someone else. Anyone else.

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