Porch Railing Ideas to Add Value to Your Home

One of the most traditional of porch railing finishes is wood. This does offer an impressive look if the are maintained properly. Some of the downsides to wooden decks and railings is splinters and the risk of rotten wood. Finishes can also fade and look tired. To prevent this, the easiest choice is to purchase finished wood balusters. This will take the guesswork out of treated and finishing the wood. Con? Limited amount of color choice. You can also get pre-finished, sand it and use preservatives specified for wood products. When choosing a lasting wood choice, consider cedar. It is a great choice for railings and wood porches because it is weather resistant wood. It will hold it’s beauty for years and is worth the extra upfront cost.
Aluminum railings are a good choice if you are looking for customizable railings. These can be bent and shaped to fit your desired plans. Aluminum is also an excellent choice for a contemporary look. They are extremely durable and hold up well under harsh weather conditions. Combined with a set of aluminum patio furniture, these are some of the coolest railings around.
Glass railings are not the choice of DIY folks. They require considerable work in set up, but the impact is well worth it. These look amazing with stainless steel accents. You can also combine them with brass or bronze hand rails. Glass for use as railings is usually tempered or laminated. This increases the strength and durability of your glass. These are very unique and will give you home a “just stepped out of the movies” feel.
Metal railings used to get a reputation for being considerably expensive. Good News! They are now available to the rest of us at very affordable prices. You can even purchase some of the makes and models at your local home improvement store. They have the look of innovative design, an yet can usually be installed via DIY. Contemporary design lovers usually go with a metal design and a deep wooden hand rail. These look phenomenal. Metal is also extremely durable and low maintenance.
Vinyl Railings are a long time favorite of home owners, and for good reason. They look and act like wood, without the upkeep. They can give you a beachy, country cottage, contemporary, or traditional look. These are as easy to find as the are versatile. There are just about as many Internet companies as there are stars in the sky. You can also go the traditional route and go to your local home improvement store. They are lightweight, easy to install and many times come in complete kits. They resist weather, and do not rot the way wood can. If they are properly maintained with special products, they can last a life time!
Porch railings can literally give your home a complete makeover. They will add charm and elegance instantly and give you a lovely peace of mind when you have precious family members that count of their safety. Happy porch railing!