Post-It Notes for Your Desktop

The alarm bell is a nice touch. The user sets the alarm through a note to go off at a specified time, possibly like a deadline warning bell or a geek’s egg timer. The loud bell rings three times and puts the Post-it Note on top of your documents, so even if the speaker is off -the alarm works.
The notes do not interfere with work or play. When the Post-it Software Note is being unused, the note will simply fall behind whatever document or program is being worked with. The software works seamlessly and does not seem to even be noticed by other installed software.
Users who are proud of their wallpaper will be glad to know that they do not have to clutter up their desktop. Each Post-it Note can be minimized to a scant quarter of an inch box without changing the properties. And, no matter what size, Post-it Notes are movable to any screen position.
For those that don’t want to change anything at all, there is the Hide all Notes feature. This completely hides the memos until the time the user wants to see them. Also, as each Post-it Note fulfills its reason for being here, it is easily trashed by a couple mouse clicks. So the desktop can remain immaculately clean.
Post-it Software Notes are printable, which is absolutely wonderful for many reasons, the least of which is a user being able to take their notes with them in a hurry. The bad part is the printouts come one to a sheet of paper, regardless of how small or large the note is. Of course, this leaves room to add a few more details to the memo at a later time.
Post-it Software Notes can be found at www. It is a full version and it is free.