Postmodernism Explained

Postmodernism: Formally it is definied as a style, period, philosophy, attitude or way of thinking of polysemic nature. A reaction to modernism such as utopian ideals and attainment of perfection is not necessarily against postmodernism. Postmodernism begun in architecture, then followed on to art and sculpture and finally proceeding onto literature. The exhaustion of modernism helped give rise to Postmodernism. This can be seen as Modernist buildings repelled people, whereas Postmodern buildings are attractive and draw people to them. This is because post modernism challenges conventions and uses past styled, applying intertextuality. It is also notable that there is an alliance between money and capital. Furthermore, in postmodernist ideals there is a linkage of technology to design which involves things of everyday use and life. Thus the ideals of postmodernist ideals adopt populism to appropriate using past styles.
Characteristics of Postmodern texts:
Post Modern texts questions orthodoxies. For example, they challenge the validity of conventional beliefs. They also tend to challenge or subvert the metanarratives of texts and passages. Some of the primary and more prominent themes of Postmodern text involves Enlightenment, Progress, Colonialism, Christianity, Humanism, Romanticism (a reaction to enlightenment/progress), Communism, Globalization, and Utopia
In addition, Metanarratives were thought to be a bunch of deceiving values. Inclusive of all culture, rejecting the distinction between high and low culture. (Metanarratives believe that all texts are equal, therefore should be equally respected.) They saw the truth as fluid. The truth is relevant only to the person looking at it. Without individual perception there are rejection of notions of universal truth and perfection. Metanarrative supporters believe that readings of a text are always intertextual.
Metanarratives use a range of perspectives. For example, a Romantic novel from Victorian literature, a story is portrayed from two standpoints but is undermining and criticizing at the same time. Thus metanarratives use satire to challenge orthodoxies, hence challenging modernist texts and in the process eliminates high culture.
Pastiche, which is the cobbling of works together (intertextuality), create a fresh perspective, thus a fresh text which is ironic. It constantly show awareness of the audience. This technique is labeled as self reflexive or metafiction (novel) or methatheatrical (film or play). Awareness that texts are constructive, reminding the responder that is it not reality. Often plays with conventional relationships are found to be between the composer, text and responder. Authority for meaning is in the text itself and is open to interpretation. To know exactly what they are doing, certain characters will do things deliberately. Thus it provides two alternative endings. It wants the responder to choose which ending they prefer and gives the responder more choices and is fluid.
Modernism is considered by many to be Elitist and dominant white male values. There also exists a belief that perfection is attainable and idolizes truth, beauty and perfection. There exists as well a belief in metanarratives. The value of originality is great as in Ism’s attempt at originality. High culture exists through literature such as Shakespeare whereas low culture exists through TV shows and pop songs. This creates a polarity between high and low culture and is highly evident. Modernism is a sign that things are getting better and society is progressing. The Composer was seen as authority for his creation.
Postmodernism is Populist meaning it applies to mass culture. In this effect it is considered to be consumer driven. There is opportunity for multiple responders responses legitimate (readings). Subverts challenge metanarratives and micronarratives. And there are never any notions of perfection. This can be explained because the Truth is relative and fluid and there are no grand, overarching expectations in life. Thus, nothing is original and everything is borrowed from previous texts. Hence lots of intertextuality, appropriation. Postmodernism recognises no distinction between high and pop culture and all texts are equal. The Nihilistic perspective is seen by Postmodernists as nothing. In Nihilisitic perspectives the authority of the composer is rejected and the text makes meaning just as the responder makes meaning. This results in the appearance of multiple voices and interpretations of the texts.
Responders are thus actively engaged whilst experiencing a text in order to evoke an individual perception. The contemporary world continues to emerge as a reaction to the modern world. Such a period, also noted as a philosophy, style or way of thinking allows multiple voices and interpretations concurrently rejects the notion of a solitary, universal truth. Postmodernism’s gradual and perpetuating upheaval came to its revelation as a consequence of the exhaustion of modernism due to its rigidity. This huge transition is defined as a time of incredulity toward metanarratives and the validity of orthodoxies.