Potty Training Regression: Causes

Potty training regressionPotty training regression contrarily to beliefs is not out of the norm, especially in boys. Yes, we all have the well-meaning friends, associates and even family members whose child got it early and kept the connection going throughout the process, and we share in their joy. Where the line is crossed is when these well meaning family members try to impose their super parent techniques on your child as if their way is and always have been the best way. Do not fall for this; children are unique even within their own perspective family circle. What works for one child may or may not work for another, so once you have tried them do not feel like you are a bad parent if their technique did not work for your child. Know when to move on to the next step.

Potty training regression: Causes

Parents are able to go with the flows and changes in their everyday lives but children sometimes see things differently than we see them. Every thing can be going along smoothly for weeks and we as parents become comfortable with our newfound freedom from diaper changes. Suddenly, one day out of the blue it all seems to be over and the child has regressed back to square one of wetting and soiling their underpants without warning. Whatever you do, do not let your frustrations show; instead, take time to step back and figure out what is causing the regression, look at everyday changes such as:

  • A recent move

  • New baby on the way or has arrived in the home

  • Different childcare arrangements

  • Long-term guest in your home

  • Tension between mom and dad

  • Even a change in your work schedules

  • Stress

  • Medical condition

These are just a few ideas to get you started investigating the cause behind the potty training regression. Spend some one on one time with your child playing or reading a book, during this one on one interaction you may be able to determine exactly what is causing the potty training regression behavior.

The use of rewards during potty training regression
Using rewards during times of regression can turn a negative into a positive experience. Usually the first thing to go when potty training regresses is the positive incentives. Find new ways to continue rewarding their acceptable behavior. When your child does use the potty, get crazy with it; do not hold back how happy it makes you when he/she deposits their waste where it belongs. Make a large visible chart; let your child add stickers to it every time they use the potty. Set up a system that every time he/she gets so many stickers earned, they can be redeemed for a special prize that is determined according to each child’s individual liking. Readily give praise if the child makes the connection to at least go in the bathroom to have a BM on a regular basis. Once a pattern is established you can once again begin setting your child on the toilet to have their bowel movement even if at first they want to keep the diaper on, that is o.k. Eventually you will be able to undo the diaper and take it off again. When you have reached this point, again reward your child and do it big.

Potty training regression is a very frustrating time for a parent, try your best to take yourself out of the equation and find out exactly why the child has chosen to abandon their potty going habits. When all else fails, know when it is time to seek professional help your child needs to get through their regression phase. Continue to be upbeat and positive through this time in your child’s life realizing that they are not doing it to punish you or to prove a point to you. So role your sleeves up, dig in and get to the core of the matter and the both of you will get through it.

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