Power Hour

Power Hour, is a drinking game where all the players drink a shot of beer every minute for one hour, so 60 shots of beer in 60 minutes. All players that successfully complete the sixty shots with out quitting or vomiting are winners. The game is simple and may appear easy, but players often have difficulty finishing the game. Often time’s music may accompany each minute of the power hour, with songs changed at the minute mark, this way a dedicated time keeper isn’t needed. “Themed” power hours are popular, often times containing songs from the “70’s,” “80’s,” and “90’s.”

A time keeper is very important in the game if you don’t have music that changes every minute. The time keeper has to delegate when the players need to take a shot of beer, without the time keeper, often times the players will skip shots and it gets all messed up. The time keeper is very important. Additional rules include being eliminated from the game if you vomit or can’t continue. Bathroom breaks are often allowed, but you must “catch up” after you return (taking the number of shots you missed while in the bathroom).

An extended version of power hour is the Century Club, which is where the players drink 100 shots in 100 minutes. This is considered the true way to play in the mid-west and if you complete the entire game you are placed in the Century Club, you are considered elite and it’s a great honor. This is a very hard feat to accomplish without vomiting for most people. 100 shots at 1.5 ounces each equals 150 ounces of beer in just an hour and forty minutes, which is a lot of alcohol to consume in such a short time. Some colleges even have competitions where the prior champion tries to keep his place by playing monthly versus all other players that want to attempt the challenge. The winner is crowned champion and next month has to defend their honor. As a player drops out in this version they must ring our or announce they are quitting to the entire room and are often times harassed by the crowd.

Atomic Century club is a different variation of the Power Hour, where the tenth shot is augmented by a shot of tequila or liquor. This can be very difficult and sometimes dangerous if you drink this amount of alcohol in that short of a time.

Another way to play Power Hour is called the Hero Power Hour, where you choose a hero of yours like Tim Brown whose number is 81, so you do 81 shots in 81 minutes. You can choose any hero from history you want and you can do the shot according to them.

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