Power Washer Review: The Husky 1800 Psi Power Washer

My first purchase of a power washer was the Husky 1800 psi power washer. The purchase was initially made for the purpose of sparying down my deck so that I could stain it. I have never operated a commercial sprayer before but the Husky Power washers’s operations were quite simple and easy to learn. The unit comes with two tanks which are used to disperse whatever cleaning solution you may whant to use. A dial on the front of the unit controls which tank is being used when the unit is running. You can also chose not to use either of the tanks by setting the dial in the center position. The spraygun comes with two seperate attachment nozzles. The first attachment nozzle is a turbo sprayer which disperses the water in a hard circular patern ( this could be used for hard surfaces where there is little risk of damage to the surface due to the intensity of the sprayer). The second attachment nozzle is the adjustable nozzle where you can control the intensity of the sprayer by rotating the end of the sprayer to control the dispersment of the water. Having the nozzle on the lowest pressure setting will allow you to draw from one of the reserve tanks if you chose to do so. This operation can only be done while the pressure is on the low setting. When setting up the unit for use you should first connect your watersource to the front of the unit at the bottom. When the water is on, spray the gun with the unit still off to get the air out of the line. Now flip the unit on and continue to spray with the spray gun. It may take up to a minute for the unit to pressure up. While spraying my deck I found it easy to control the angle of dispersment as to not destroy my deck from having too narrow of a beam coming out from my sprayer. While this sprayer did what I wanted to do for my deck, I also found it very useful for cleaning many other items is my garage including my lawnmower, the grill, my patio furniture and the house itself. Everything cleaned up quite nicely. My only complaint with the Husky 1800 is that the cord connecting the uit to the sprayer was difficult to manage and kept getting into odd bends that had to be untangled alot. Because of this it is also difficult to store since the cord is rarely neatly wound. But I would not let that discourge anyone from purchasing the unit whic I recommend to anybody needing a simple to use power washer with more than enough psi to handle all of your cleaning needs.