Practical Housewarming Gifts People Will Actually Use

While you could commission a painting by your hippie friend in Berkeley, it’s probably better to let your friends handle the interior decorating themselves. Hippie Friend’s bold, artistic statement might not be the vibe they want in their living room.

It’s great to get something fun and unique, but you don’t want that gift to be so unique it ends up buried in a closet never to be seen again. So, stick to something practical. And no, practical does not mean boring. There are plenty of practical housewarming gifts people will actually use that will complement their taste and are perfect for any season.

The best question to ask yourself is: What items do you use that make your daily routine easier? Are there any unique household accessories that you absolutely love having on a daily basis? Chances are they would be similarly useful to your friends.

Not ringing any bells? Here are some great housewarming gifts to get your ideas flowing.

In the Kitchen

The kitchen is always a good place to start. We all need to eat. Kitchens also tend to be a hub of social activity. Which means that if you get your friends a cool kitchen accessory, you’ll probably be invited over to help them christen that item.

Electric Wine Bottle Opener – No more wrestling with wine bottles and corkscrews. No more broken corks. It’s the 21st century, let technology lend a hand. These quick, easy-to-use bottle openers take the hassle out of it, so you can just kick back and enjoy the wine. Pair this with a bottle of your friend’s favorite wine and let the good times flow.

Keurig Coffee Maker – Not a morning person? Neither is your friend. We all need a kickstart to the day, but why hassle with grinding coffee beans, measuring cups of water, and dumping out coffee grounds? Make your friend’s morning a little easier with a coffee maker that brews just the right amount of just the right flavor in thirty seconds.

Personalized Cutting Board – Make your friend the Chef de cuisine of their new kitchen with a custom engraved cutting board. A unique twist on monogrammed items for newlyweds, this beautiful gift serves a practical function for any daily cooking needs.

Knife Set – While we’re on the subject of chopping food, another great housewarming gift is a set of reliable, well-made kitchen knives. The kind you see on a late-night infomercial chopping cans or slicing pennies. While your friend may not be a penny-slicer, they do need knives that will stay sharp and last a lifetime. That is, if they plan on inviting you over for dinner parties.

Nice Bottle of Liquor – Fans of Mad Men? Give your friend the gift of feeling like Don Draper with a nice bottle of bourbon (or whatever their liquor of choice). I see cocktails in your future.

Round the House

Waterproof Shower Speakers – The shower is where many people do their best singing. Help your friend become the next American Idol with the Eco Extreme waterproof speaker case, compatible with any mp3 player or smartphone and provides powerful, dynamic sound.

Nest Thermostat – This high-tech thermostat programs itself based on the homeowner’s personal routines and temperature preferences. Highly energy-efficient, the Nest thermostat dramatically reduces heating and cooling bills. And it can be accessed from anywhere using the Nest app. At $250, this is a pricey gift, but it will save your friend a LOT of money in the long run.

Cool Fire Extinguisher – Fire extinguishers are a necessary, life-saving piece of equipment that no home should be without. Unfortunately, many homes are lacking in this department. You can’t blame it on the garish red design anymore, because there are now a number of companies that make designer fire extinguishers. With various image and color design options, French company SAFE-T can help you keep your friends safe and stylish. The X Sting Wish combines CO2, water, and powder and even has LED lights for maneuvering through smoky areas. The future is here.

Practical Makes Perfect

While different friends will have different needs depending on where they’re at in life, a very practical housewarming gift for young people just starting off is a personalized tool kit or bucket of household supplies. This is a great way to provide your friends with products they’ll need to get settled into the new space.

Think Clorox wipes, Febreze spray, laundry detergent, dish soap or detergent, sponges, paper towels, duct tape, toilet bowl cleaner, window cleaner, or even light bulbs. For a tool kit, think about including parts for hanging pictures and wall decorations. Stud finders and laser levels are also extremely helpful in the decorating process. You can even stick all these products into a mop bucket or laundry basket for an all-in-one package. This gift could save your friend multiple trips to the store and allow them to focus on their move. Be careful about the message you’re sending here though. Certain friends may get the wrong message if you give them a bucket of cleaning supplies. Use your best discretion to personalize this gift.

When thinking housewarming gift, also consider your friend’s personal preferences. Are there any brands that they’re particularly loyal to? Do they have a collection of something-say nice scented candles or wine bottles-that you could contribute to? Most importantly, your gift should add to their new space and help them feel like their house is becoming a home. That way, when they’re sending out the party invitations over the years for birthdays, graduations, and holidays, you’ll be right alongside them sharing laughs and creating memories in this special place.

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