Practical Housewarming Gifts for First Apartments

College students often face many challenges, only one of which is renting their first apartment. However, carefully thought out housewarming gifts may make the transition from living at home to living on one’s own a bit easier. Some items that will be needed in a new apartment are obvious, such as linens and food. But, what makes a good housewarming gift for the first-time renter are the small necessary items that one tends to overlook while living at home.

Create a kitchen bundle.
First time renters know that food, a few pans, and some utensils will be needed for their new home. Yet, few think of such small necessary items such as dish washing soap, a dish strainer, hand towels, oven mitts, and kitchen cleansers. Gather together these items in a bundle, placing the smaller items in the dish strainer and wrapping the entire bundle in cellophane wrap.

Another version of the kitchen bundle would be to gather together a series of cooking vessels, lids, recipe cards containing the recipes for their favorite home-cooked meal, and all of the necessary food items required to make the meal. The food items would include any necessary herbs or spices which, if dried, could be used in additional meals and, of course, the pans could be reused many times.

If the mover frequently makes smoothies or has a fondness for cappuccino, consider giving the appropriate kitchen appliance with the necessary starter ingredients.

Create a bundle for the laundry room.
Unless the college student is going to be allowed to bring their laundry and ironing home, consider creating a laundry bundle consisting of a laundry bag, laundry soap, dryer sheets, fabric softener, and, if necessary, hand-written instructions. Also, consider giving a small ironing board, such as a counter-top ironing board, along with a sturdy iron and a can of starch.

A cleaning bundle might not only include items to clean clothing, but may also include such items as a broom, a mop, a mop bucket, and general cleaning supplies for the entire apartment along with items such as a package of light bulbs or a fresh package of batteries.

Create a bathroom bundle.
Sometimes, items that are seen and used daily go overlooked when shopping for what is needed in a first apartment. Consider creating a bathroom bundle consisting of the mover’s favorite soap, shampoo, conditioner, and a starter-pack of toilet tissue. Also, add to the bundle items such as ear swabs, shaving cream, razors, or bath powders the person might regularly use along with facial tissue and cotton balls.

Another version of the bathroom bundle would include a waste can, a shower curtain that will fit the bathroom in question, scrub brushes for cleaning, and bathroom cleaning products for the toilet, shower, mirror, and counter.

Create an emergency bundle.
Young people don’t always consider that emergencies can happen. An emergency bundle could include a flashlight containing fresh batteries (one for the car and one for the apartment), a first-aid kit, and a list of whom to call for problems such as the apartment electricity not working or should maintenance be needed at the apartment.

Create an odds and ends bundle.
Little things like a calendar, a desk lamp, a surge protector, or a wall clock are often used daily and simply expected to be there. For this reason they are often missed by those just moving out on their own. A nice little bundle of these odds and ends will always make a new apartment feel like home.

A practical housewarming gift need not be expensive but, if chosen well, will be appreciated, put to use, and remembered for years to come.

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