Practical Ways to Save Water

Water is one of the most wasted natural resource available, and it isn’t free for all. Many people pay a monthly bill, and in many cases, the majority of the bill goes to pay sewage fees. The water that goes down the drain must be treated, and the cost can quickly break the budget. Some monthly bills can’t be reduced, but it is possible to save water in many easy and practical ways. Not everyone can save the used water from their washing machine or bath, but there are many other practical and easy ways to save.

Collect Cool Water as it Heats

It generally takes a few minutes for hot water to reach the bathroom tap, depending on the distance between the tank and the bathroom. Why let the it go down the drain? A practical way to save is to collect the cold water while running it for a shower. Use it for cleaning purposes, or save it to add to the bath or the washing machine. This simple and practical act of saving cold water when running it for a shower will save hundreds of gallons annually.

Turn it Off While Shaving

While shaving in the shower, several gallons of water end up going down the drain. Turning it off the tap while shaving is easy and practical. You’ll save hundreds of gallons each year, and as long as the shower curtain is closed you’re not likely to get cold. Best of all, you’re less likely to run out of hot water before you’re through.

Reduce Toilet Water Usage

Water-saving toilets very efficiently help save water, but buying a new toilet isn’t always feasible or practical. However, you can turn an ordinary toilet into a water-saving toilet by lessening the amount it takes to fill the tank. Place a large glass block, a clean stone about the size of a softball, or any other heavy item that won’t deteriorate in the back of the tank, and make sure it’s out of the way of the flushing mechanism. This practical way to help save won’t conserve a tremendous amount in a single flush, but it all adds up.

Collect Rainwater for Plants

Instead of running the tap for plants, start collecting rainwater. Not only will you save gallons each year, but the plants will grow faster and fuller than ever. Rainwater is free from salt, chlorine, and chemical additives, and the plants will grow and thrive while you save money with this easy and practical method of collection. It’s also a fantastic way to provide moisture for outdoor plants. Visit How to Make a Rain Barrel for Watering Plants and Flowers for great tips, advice, and easy instructions.

Time Showers

Are your kids taking way too long in the shower and wasting gallons of water each day? If they’re in the shower far longer than necessary, insist on setting a timer. Place a timer in the bathroom within view of the shower, and limit showers to ten minutes. Hopefully this will encourage kids and other family members to do their part to help save in simple and practical ways.

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