Premature Ejaculation and its Causes

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man reaches his sexual climax too soon. According to studies premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems although it is not openly discussed much due to the embarrassment factor for men.

In a recent survey of several thousand males approximately 10 percent said that they experienced premature ejaculation. The problem does appear to be more common in younger men although men experience it in all age groups.

Although physically not harmful to the body, premature ejaculation can be psychologically hurtful. In severe cases premature ejaculation can have lasting effects on a relationship and has been known to even ruin marriages. There are instances where the condition is so bad that the man cannot manage to have intercourse because he invariably ejaculates before sexual relations begin. Premature ejaculation can be devastating for a man’s self-confidence and it can be frustrating for his partner, causing undue stress in the relationship.

For a long time experts have leaned towards saying that premature ejaculation is caused by early experiences. The train of thought here is that f a man is rushed through the act of sex in his early years of sexual growth, he may develop premature ejaculation.

The evidence has shown this not to be the case however and the American Medical Association has published studies that suggest that the issue of premature ejaculation actually begins at the start of a man’s sexual experience. Researches have shown that most men with a premature ejaculation problem have always had this problem, leading them to believe that the issue may be psychological. However there are physical clues that point to the problem being, at least in part, a physical issue. Anxiety seems to play a part in many cases of premature ejaculation. Being nervous, a man is likely to climax too quickly. Evidence of this is seen in very young men who are just experiencing sexual relations for the first time.

For very mild premature ejaculation issues, many men don’t seek medical attention. Mild cases may be more of a control issue. For more severe issues men may want to consult their doctors because their problem may not be as simple as control. There are other medical issues that may be causing the problem that a man is not aware of. Some times premature ejaculation is a symptom of something much more serious like infections or even prostate cancer.

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